Sympathy and a new....frienemy? Part one

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“What do you mean he’s living here?!” I was a fire breathing dragon at the news. Fire practically came out of my mouth at the new prospect of living was this man. Long story short, I was livid.

Mom gently smiled as she placed a hand over Mr. Bentley’s, “Kids, me and your mother decided to move in together.”

Okay DJ, now’s not the time to panic or slit that man’s throat, right now you just need to breathe. Mom doesn’t know about the stuff you do at school so let’s try to keep the peace for her sake and yours. I took a deep breath like Natasha taught me.

“W-when will you move in Mr. Bentley?” I asked with a tight-lipped smile.

“Richard is moving in tomorrow!” mom practically yelled while bouncing in her seat like a child at a party.

I looked at Richard with a stone cold glare which he gladly returned with a smile. He doesn’t know it yet, but he just started World War III.

“Can you believe this DJ? I mean-”

“Shut up Deon.” I clenched my teeth. Remember to breathe DJ. In and out, in and out…

After dinner, I practically trashed my room in frustration. I can’t keep mom from seeing thou who shall not be named but I can’t let him live here either! It’s like “Nightmare on Elm Street”! I bet the frog knows this too because every time our eyes meet, the frog smirks!

“Cone on DJ, he can’t be that bad.”

I ignored him as we walked up the school steps. As soon as the front door was pushed open, I felt all eyes on us. Before I knew it everybody walked up to me speaking at once. What is this? Why am I being surrounded?? Natasha pushed through the crowd and when she reached me, she gave me a bear hug. Seriously, what is going on here?!

“DJ I am so sorry” she looked like she was holding back a sob.

“What are you sorry about? What is going on here?’ I practically yelled with my patients quickly going downhill.

“We all heard about your mom dating ‘thou who shall not me named’” she claimed while pulling out a tissue and dabbing her eyes.

“How did you find out?” I hissed. I’ve kept that secret for months so how did everyone find out? My glare turned over to Deon. When he saw my glare he raised his hands in a surrendering motion.

“How was I supposed to know that you were keeping it a secret?” he huffed, “I don’t see what’s the big deal.”

I ignored his question and went to class trying to avoid all of the apologetic looks I was getting.

After class started I had to suffer getting even more apologetic hugs and condolences from everybody who knew me and my situation. See, this is why I didn’t want people to know. At first it will be pitty, but after the shock ends everyone will begin to shun me. I’m not even joking; people in this school really are that bad. I’m already not that liked by many kids here because their either snotty or I’ve pranked them, so I don’t need this added into it as well. To get my mind off of it I went through the internet instead of paying attention. Right now I was writing plans on how to make a paint ball grenade.

The first step is to cut a length of tubing. You can use any length you want, we liked a total length of about 4-5 inches best for shape. After your tube is cut, fold the last 1/2" over itself and zip tie it together as hard as you can.

Next ready a syringe by drawing about 2 oz. of paint up. Secure the tube as far up the nozzle as it will go. Make sure you are pinching the hose around the nozzle so it won't leak. Make sure the push part of the syringe is braced against your chest or stomach, because once paint is in the latex tube, it will be pressurized and want to shoot the plunger right out of the syringe…….

“Dianna are you even paying attention to my class?!”

Oh god, here we go again.

“Yes I was my oh so wonderful teacher. You are so awesome at teaching, I had to look away because you awesomeness was shining so bright.” I rolled my eyes and the class began to snicker.

Mr. Bentley glared at me before smirking, “Okay Ms. Smartalic if you were paying attention, tell me the answers to these problems:

Solution A has a specific heat of 2.0 J/g

◦C.Solution B has a specific heat of 3.8 J/g

◦C.If equal masses of both solutions start at the

same temperature and equal amounts of heat

are added to each solution, which will be true?

1. Solution A attains a higher temperature.

2. Solution B attains a higher temperature.

3. Both solutions have the same final temperature.

If two substances are chemically combined

and there is a release of energy, the reaction is described as

1. Endothermic.

2. Analytic.

3. Catalytic.

4. Exothermic.

Energy is? when liquid water changes to gaseous water.

1. Destroyed

2. Absorbed

3. Given off

4. Created

5. Converted to heat

Answer questions one, two, and four.”

This man honestly thinks I can’t answer these? Ha, this is like ABC’s to me!

“Number one: Solution A attains a higher temperature. Solution A requires less heat to increase temperature, because it has a lower specific heat.

Number four:  Exothermic, An exothermic reaction results in heat given off

And number two: Absorbed Think of boiling water on a stove. The water molecules need extra energy to escape from its liquid state.”

As I finished giving him the answers, his face twisted up into a scowl. Hos scowl deepened even more when he noticed the rest of the class hurriedly writing down the answers in their notes for later. You see, this is why most of the teachers hate me; I cause so much mayhem for them even though I’m the third smartest kid in school. They want their nerds to be nice timid children aka the things I refuse to ever be.

“Well since you want to disrupt me class…”

Umm, excuse me? I was just writing down ways to take my revenge on you for dating my mom when you interrupted me. I should be the one getting mad at you.

“…I’m going to add three more pages to everyone’s homework assignment.”

Everyone groaned at the new assignment including me. This is not cool man, not cool at all.

You see Deon; this is why I hate the man!

Sorry guys, the other half of my chapter got deleted from this point on somehow. I’ll try to rewrite it and post it tomorrow. Have a nice day!

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