pranks & news

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“Freshmen interns please step forward” 

All eight of the interns slowly stepped forward with darting eyes and shaking hands. Why are they so scared? It’s not like we are planning to kill them, goodness.

“Another privilege for being my interns this year is that you can choose what time you are going to be pranked, but you only get three options: right now, lunch time, or not knowing at all. So which will it be?”

“I don’t know about you guys” the one girl, Olivia, said to her friends, “but I wanna go ahead and get pranked now then change into my spare clothes like nothing happened.”

Olivia stepped forward with her head held high, hands clenched, and eyes steady like a soldier ready for combat. I walked up to her and placed my hand on her soldier with a bright smile.

“You are one of my bravest soldiers, or crazy- I could never tell the difference between that fine line. From now on I’ll just call you my crazy little olive.” I saluted her and backed away before lifting my hand to the twenty seniors who were itching to start freshmen trial, “Ready seniors? On the count of three let her rip, "Three….two…one…FIRE!”

All at once various things were thrown at Crazy olive such as eggs, play dough, play string, and a small streams of kool aid. Before she had a chance to react everything impacted on her, soaking her raggedy blue jeans and t-shirt. I bet the sneaky little girl did that on purpose, not wanting any ruined clothes. I turned my gaze to the boys; they didn’t follow her example. That’s a big mistake on their part. 

“Alright guys, she’s had enough, stop!” I bellowed as they continued.

When the firing ceased I walked my way over to her and presented her to the other seven, “You people do realize this is the nicest prank that will be played today, right? And since you didn’t take it, which is sad since you’re all boys, you can only choose lunch or not knowing at all when we prank you. Trial will start in three minutes, now scuttle.”

Almost immediately all seven of the boys took off running like a bunch of chimpanzees

“You know, getting pelted with all that crap was kind fun.” I starred at Olivia, “Plus, some of the kool aid that was shot at me was shot in my mouth, and it was my favorite flavor!”

I wrapped an arm around her and lead us into the school, “And this is why your nickname is Crazy olive.”

She smiled at me before we went to her locker and got her changed.  Play dough and silly string was stuck in her hair the rest of the day .

Prank #22

I  watched Adam, one of the freshmen interns, twitch as he kept a close eye on his friend Gregory Benson aka the next target. I regret telling the interns the order of people who will be pranked; they look like they’re dying with guilt. Actually Adam and Patrick did. The others just erased the thought out of their minds completely. It’s a good thing I have gym class with Adam. Something tells me this won’t end well.

“Gregory Benson to the front office please. Gregory Benson to the office.”

Adam’s face whitened as Gregory got up. Come on Gregory get out of here before he warns you. Just a little further….

“Greg, don’t do it! It’s a trap!” Adam ran and tackled his friend to the floor screaming at him. When his friend managed to pry him off, he gave Adam a hug in appreciation.

I stood up and gave Adam an accusing finger, “You get the bucket!”

Apparently the kid didn’t know I had class with him because he quickly turned in my direction, with his eyes widening at who was speaking to him. Before I even had a chance to take a step forward, he booked it out of the gym. I sighed knowing I was probably going to be the one having to track him down. I looked over to Gregory.

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