Breaking Point

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"Nate, are you Mr. Bentley's son?" I asked inching away from him.

He has the same blue eyes and bone structure but why would I just find out about him?

Nate laughed as he bent down so we could be at eye level, "No sweetheart but Antoine is. I am going to living with you guys though"

Living with us? That means mom kicked me out of my room No, this can't be happening. I look over at Antoine to see the giant smirk he has plastered on his face and a glint in his eye. I think I'm getting light headed.

"DJ, are you okay?"

I didn't answer Natasha as I stood in place, frozen in shock while being stared down by the two boys. It feels like I'm the prey of two dangerous animals. My heart is thudding against my chest, there's a lump in my throat, and I feel like something is bad is going to happen when these two along with Mr. Bentley come in the h-

Wait a minute.

Mr. Bentley.

All of the fear I was feeling earlier turned into a blind rage when realization settled in. He purposely didn't tell us, more specifically me, about this little arrangement. Mom always made sure me and Dee had our own room because we fought so much, so why would she force me and him together when he could share with Antoine and have Nate in the guest room? He must have convinced her. I bet he knew that these boys will probably make my life miserable.

Suddenly, I charged passed the boys fiercely going through my backpack for any of my paint bombs as I made my way back to the science wing of the school. On the way there was my locker so I quickly stopped and got out my paint ball gun too and loaded it with as many paint balls as it could hold without bursting. Once I had everything ready I stalked off walking through the crowd and they parted for me like the red sea. Yes, they all knew I was out for blood.

I barged into Mr. Bentley's room and didn't let him even get a chance to open his mouth before I yelled at him, "You old tool! You thought I wouldn't find out until last minute didn't you?"

Calmly, he leaned back into is seat and rested him arms behind his head unfazed by my sudden outburst, "Is there something wrong sweetie?"

My eye twitched and I was ready to finish him off but something told me to hold back for a little while.

"You did find out at last minute because I called your mom and told her you shouldn't go anywhere for a couple of weeks so you can get used to your new family once we move in" he laughed as he saw my face whiten in horror, "You know you can't fight it so why don't you find your new brother and properly welcome him to the family?"

"I'll never welcome any of you to my family" I snarled, "you and my mom aren't married and we don't need you around! Go back to whatever cave you came from!"

Mr. Bentley's face became serious as he looked me dead in the eye, "I have no intention of ever leaving your mother Diana."

Without knowing it, a few tears escaped my eyes as I lifted my paint gun ready to shoot him when I let out a groan of disgust. Before I pulled the trigger, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and another pair of hands took me paint weapons away from me. I thrashed in the person's arms and banged their chest like a drum hoping he would let go but it was useless. As the person holding me started to carry me out of the room I looked at Mr. Bentley's smiling face.

"You're sick!!!" I screeched as I was carried down the hallway. Once I was set on the ground I turned around to see Dee looking at me and Crazy olive by his side holding my weapons with a worried look on both of their faces.

"Dj, are okay? Why are you crying?" Dee wiped the tears off my face with his shirt.

I looked at his damp sleeve in shock. I thought I let out a few Stray tears of frustration, not all of that. Why can't I hide my emotions better? If this keeps on everyone will find out.


I looked at Dee and Crazy olive again with another realization coming to me. Natasha and Kennedy aren't here. They knew I was mad and upset but didn't follow me to see if I was okay. Looking back, I noticed they never have. Plus the only time I talk to them is when Dee is near. Where they using me? Crazy olive is even with me right now and she's only an intern. A freshman intern who has a crush on somebody else at that. She thought I wouldn't notice I bet.

Shaking my head I hugged Dee close to me as I buried my head in his chest in shock. It can't be true right? I'm just over thinking things?

a/n: sorry it's so short. I don't like writing my character's sad moments so it was really hard even coming up with this. I'll try making the next chapter longer than usual.

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