Precious (Sakurai Ruka x Reader)

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It was Saturday.

We're supposed to be on a date but the heavy rain ruined the plan, so we stayed in my room.

*minutes before*

Ruka picked me up and was greeted by my loving mom.

Of course, he didn't forget to flashed my mom the most charming smile he had to flutter her heart. Just in case, it will easier for him to ask my mother permission to marry you.

He kept his smile as he chat with my mom.

He knows he has beautiful smile.

When I come downstairs with my ready-to-date outfit, Ruka stunned for a little bit then smiled at me.

"You're so beautiful, (F/N)..." He said politely.

Deep down, he wanted to hide you in his embrace. He cannot resist how cute you look with your outfit. (I leave the outfit to your liking, reader-chan).

"Hehe, I know." I said confidently with smug on my face.

As we both leaving from the front door after said goodbye to my mom, a big thunder and heavy rain struck both of you.

"Oh no, it's heavy rain..." My mom said apologetically.

My mother's voice wake me from the dissapointment state.

"Heh... We can't go in this condition, (F/N). I'm sorry." Ruka said.

I just replied with a weak smile.

"Ruka-kun and (F/N). Are you both okay with hanging out together in the house? You can ask Ruka-kun to hanging out in your room, honey. I'll bake you a cake." My mom said with smile.

I nodded to my mom's suggestion and say thank you.

Both of us read manga in my room. Luckily, you both have the same taste in manga so it won't be a problem by reading manga all the day. The manga is about a boy who dream to be strongest and kindest hero.

As I read the manga seriously, I didn't Ruka stared at me.


After some delinquents from another school tried make a move and took you somewhere, Ruka lost his mind.

He know very well that the guy only want to get his revenge from last fights.

"...That is the way to the flower shop." I explained to the guy after he asked me where is the flower shop located.

He is about my age. Maybe one year older. He's tall and quite cute. I didn't have any suspicious that he is one of the problematic high schoolers.

"Can you take me there? I'm a little bit confused..." He asked.

I hesitated but I want to help him since he asked where the flower shop to buy his mother flower in hospital.

"Okay." I agreed.

As both of us walked together, I noticed something strange.

We went in more narrow and quiet street.

"You make wrong three turns. Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"Heh~ I didn't know you keep attention to your surroundings. As expected from the Prince' babygirl."

"Wh...." before I can finished my sentence a group of boys appeared.

When I woke up, I felt an endless headache.

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