Foot (Sakurai Kouichi x Reader)

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I enjoying my time at rhythmic club with Karen and Miyo watching me to give me support. They're really a true best friend. I really treasure them.

I jump and lose my balance....


"Aww, it hurts" I cried.

Miyo and Karen rushed to me immediately with the club members.

"Bambi, are you okay??" Karen asked worries
"Hurts...." I shed a tears.
"Bambi, hold onto me and Karen. We'll take you to infirmary" Miyo said.

Just I was about to stand, a deep voice heard.

"Move." A deep voice said and the crowd move immediately. Kouichi stand there.

"Kou." I cried. I really couldn't take the pain.

He bends down and exhales.

"You're really make my heart stops, you know?" He said then he carries me bridal style.

I don't know but the crowd become silent and Karen took a picture with her phone.

At the infirmary, the nurse school treat me tenderly but I cry.

"(Y\N) it's okay. I know it hurts but stop crying, okay? Kouichi-kun looks like in pain too. Look his face cringes."

I immediately look at Kouichi. He avert his eyes from me. He's blushing.

"I'll leave you two." Said the nurse after she treat my wound.

"Hehehe." I giggle.

"What?" Kouichi is confuse.

"You're funny, Kou." I smile at him. "And...." Before I finish my sentence he pinch my cheek.


"Please don't do that again."

"Are you worried to death?" I tease him.

He stutter. "I....I..... haven't know..... I don't know...... And...."
I cut him.

"Kou. I'm sorry to worried you but I couldn't help it you know, I don't even know I was going to fall..... and....."

Kou just smiles and pat my head.

"I'll take you home. Wait here and I'll take your bag."

"My uniform."

"Miyo has it. Ask her." I continue.

"Haaa? Why your uniform has to be with her? You know I can't deal with her."

"They're at girls changing room Kou. You can't go in there alone. Karen's already gone."

"Tsk, I understand."

After Kou take me home, I got message from Miyo.

"Bambi, what's your condition right now? Sakurai Kouichi told me I annoyed him, but the truth he's the annoying one. From what I see he really loves you, don't let him go, Bambi"

I giggle as I read the message. The scary Kou deal with the manipulative Miyo, that was hilarious, he can't deal with girls nicely but he takes problem to talks with Miyo. That just show how much Kou cares for me.

*HIATUS* Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3 Fanfic (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now