Magic (Sakurai Ruka x Reader)

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We're in the closed amusement park. 

He invited me after work and as soon as I arrived he pulled me inside.

"Ruka, what happen?!" I asked him as he pulled my hand.

"Just follow me~" He replied playfully.

I obeyed what he wants and suddenly he stopped.

"Wh..." Before I can finished it, the fireworks appeared.

"SURPRISE!" He said cheerfully and let go of my hand

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"SURPRISE!" He said cheerfully and let go of my hand.

"What are you....?" Still in amazement I asked him.

"(F/N)" He called me.

His voice is so gentle and serious.

"I know it's not very fancy proposal but please hear me out." He continued.


"You bring out the best in me. Give me a chance to be the luckiest man alive. (F/N),  you are the one I wanted to find, to tell that I need you all my life."

"Will you marry me?" He asked gently and kneeled in front of me.

He hold out the simple yet beautiful ring.

I'm speechless and tears formed in my eyes.

"Ruka... I—"

"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you." I answered him and held my tears.

He put the ring on my trembling finger and stood to kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." He said.

"Right back at you, baka Ruka." I replied.

He chuckled and hugged me tigher.

"You rented out the whole amusement park and light up fireworks. What not so fancy about that!"

Little did she knows, Ruka asked his friend who works here to rent the closed amusement park for about half hour to surprise his loving girlfriend.


(I got the lines of proposal from here).

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