authors notes (not completed)

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Authors notes!

Hi! My name is Melanie Cruz:) I am the author of

"Break the rules but be smear about it the: second quarter quell."

This little author's notes will explain some things throughout the book that might not be obvious, but when you realize it, it will be like an NOOO WAY moment!.

Here We Go!

Writing the book.

Well, to start, a lot of things flipped once I started editing and re-writing.

There was no Mom, Brother, or sister... in the beginning, I didn't want to have the whole family because that just made things complicated, but then I went *what the heck!* when I read Mockingjay, and I added them. Multiple things changed, I originally had the base of this fanfic as a sort of romance between Effie and Haymitch, but that would have been unrealistic. I wanted to show how they got to their relationship, not the whole #Hayffie thing just yet. Don't get me wrong. I AM a Hayffie shipper #Hayffie4life.

When I started to write this fanfiction, I originally wanted it to be three chapters, legit.. reaping, training, games! (probably would have been faster) I wanted it to be short and to the point, and I didn't want to spend 5+ months working on it... but SIKE! I spent 5+ months working on this, 3-4 hours each day... not fun, but it was really worth it. It was supposed to be like a mixtape, if you know what I mean, I just had some ideas about my foot, and I wrote them down, thinking this will be short and sweet.

So another thing, I started to write this fanfiction with only 15 characters. I ended up with 123 characters at the end. It was a fiasco but a fun one!

You might ask, why are there so many theories added into the book ( press snow and coin dating, press snow stealing the crown, Effie and Haymitch, etc.)? Well, these are my personal and just how I believed things happen! If you don't like them, it's fine.

Questions about the book:

Why did Ajax, Maysilee, Fauna, Amy, Mom, and Louren all die in the same way?

Well, it was apart of the fears. I wanted Haymitch to have it engraved In his head and like really scar him. Nothing in particular. I thought it was something unique to add.

Why Haymitch?

I always got frustrated with Katniss, and her mind made me angry at times. REALLY. So I picked my favorite characters that I could relate to so the writing process would be easier (not to mention he is my favorite character ). I could write his sarcastic jokes easier and try to view his world in the same way.

Why did you have such direct fashion statements?

I would go on painters and lookout editor fashion and pick things I would ave each character wear, so if I like a dress and there was a scene like Penelope was wearing something specific or Fauna, I would go on pinkest look at the pin I saved and go from there to describing it.

Let's Start with Haymitch Abernathy:)

The color purple.

In the fanfic, it is mentioned that Haymitch's favorite color is purple because, in the movies, we see that Haymitch wears a purple suit, and often Effie wears a purple dress, lipstick, etc. They do this as a silent protest against the capital for killing Haymitch's family. Also, a person whose favorite color is purple means that they are more compassionate, probably thinking.... Haymitch? Compassionate? In the movies and books, we see Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch's relationship and how they really were a family. And also! I had seen many guys that I knew; their favorite color was purple... not red or green (usually the more basic ifykyk), so yeah! I thought Europe was a perfect fit.

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