chapter four

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Effie walks into the room in a long yellow dress, and her hair strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a tight bun. Oh, she's not wearing elaborate makeup either...from what I can see, her face isn't painted white, and her eyelashes aren't pink.

Effie tiptoes toward me... She comes and sits on the side of my bed, giving a loud sigh and then placing her hand in the ice that is surrounding me, and I say, "hey trinket...what are you doing here?" She replies while she plays with the ice cubes that are in between her fingers,

"your alone.. nobody should be alone when they are in pain," and she adds, "what happened? You look disgusting," I reply, "well i usually look prettier, my hair combed and styed you know but if you are refering to the scars, i fell," she says, "down a volcano?" I reply, "something like that.. feels like it."

I add as I am half-asleep, "if I wanted to be polite, I would sorry for this afternoon," she replies, "Haymitch—" I say, "well, I am going to be polite so, NO. I shouldn't talk to you like that or anybody... I mean, it's your choice, and I shouldn't get mad at you or anybody for trying to achieve their dreams... I have no dreams, so I shouldn't judge you for having one," I really shouldn't. Why am I blaming her for achieving her goals... Effie replies, "Haymitch, don't apologize for having an opinion," I say, "no, I shouldn't. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she says. "I forgive you, just don't do that again, you yelled at me in front of everyone and presented me as a spoiled brat!" I say "well, you are," she replies, "o so here we go again, you just telling me how privileged I am when look at you, you are living like a king" I'm laughing at this point, has she not realized I could die pretty soon verses she is just putting paint on our faces. She is granted a long healthy life. I reply to her laughing, "YOU STILL DON'T GET IT," she says, settling me down. "Haymitch, shut up! You'll wake up everyone," I react "oops, some people would be able to sleep, you know in the games I probably won't sleep, I'll probably be dead," she replies, "will you stop talking about the games for a second settle down Haymitch" I reply "easy for you to say.".... she says "seriously Haymitch what do you have against me" I reply "I just think your spoiled and your life isn't fair compared to mine" she replies "stop trying to be the victim Haymitch. Chill out, ok. This is your life, and you're going to have to deal with it," I reply "don't expect me to be jolly about it" she replies, "oh no, son, mommy just wants you chill the freak out" I laugh at her because everything she says is stupid or doesn't make sense. But to turn the conversation around, I say to her.

"for real, what's wrong.. why did you come here," she says, "I said it. Nobody should be alone while they are in pain, and what's wrong, look at you, your beat up and they couldn't send in a proper doctor to come to look at you..." I say, "its fine Effie.. stop protecting me" she replies "no it is not fine!... none of this is fine. You should be having a good time, Haymitch," I reply, "yeah, I know that part," she says, "It's just upsetting...and on top of that, you upset me. But I wanted to be a nice person, so I brought you something" I hope it is nigh lock pill, but I reply, "let me see... I guess." she shows me a tiny bottle of liquor from the pocket of her dress and says, "for medicinal purposes only," and we both take a sip and attempt a laugh. Effie says, "Haymitch, your strange," I reply, "you noticed that now, but why? Because I can get a capitol girl to bring me liquor when I'm sick, yeah I'd say I am" while taking another sip, Effie says, "no, like in a sense" she stands up "I just Brought you a bottle of liquor with no makeup, no wig, and in a nightgown... I guess I'm comfortable around you because I have never done that with anybody... well metaphorically." I say, "and the point is..." she says, "I don't know. I find it weird that I trust you when all you do to me is ridicule me." She says, almost shouting. I reply, mimicking her, "Effie, you're going to wake everyone up!... But guess I am.. strange," I say, licking my fingers from the leftover liquor. Effie sits back down "well, yes... you're weird...." I reply, "what," she says, "weird, and I shouldn't be here." I respond instantly, "how to do you mean...weird, what are you.. since your capital would I say unique?' She replies, "you could say that... but I like to call my self eccentric" I reply, "ah yes eccentric if I could be honest, which I don't mind being. Stop wearing the orange.. you look like a peach candy every time you wear it..." Effie replies, "orange. You could have said, 'Effie, thank you for being here,' but no, you said. Don't wear orange-" I start laughing as I attempt to move to from my position "well, what was I supposed to say... THAT? then the medication really would've gotten to my head."

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