Chapter 14: Terrible Scorn

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Then the worst thing that could’ve happened did. It wouldn’t have seemed that bad at first but it all happened so fast. It was like I blinked and everything had flipped over. Like a coin is heads and then you blink and its tails and your not even sure if it ever was heads. But it was right there before you. Just a couple of seconds ago.

    Suddenly George stepped out of the building and on his arm was a pretty girl with dark curly hair. She leaned over and smacked a big kiss on his cheek and he smiled bashfully in a very child like way.

    Hera stopped in her tracks. She had seen them before Geroge had gotten a chance to protect himself from it all. Suddenly Hera was moving again. She climbed the stairs to where George and the girl were standing. She withdrew the wine bottle from the basket and threw the basket away from her. She raised the bottle and began to bring it down over his head.

    George had been standing there frozen watching her walk up the steps blankly. He was more surprised than we were when she greeted us friendly. At the threat now raised over his head he seemed to snap into action. He reached up just as she brought it down and grabbed it. He twisted the bottle out of her hand easily and set it on the ground gently.

    She looked at him stunned for awhile at how easily he had disarmed her. Then she reacted, she began punching every where she could. The lady George had been with stepped to the side and looked around alarmed. She spotted us watching and put her hands out to the side as if asking for our help.

    I nodded my head as if answering her question and I rushed forward to help George. He was my friend and he was getting beat to shit by a woman who granted may have weighed more than all of us put together.  As a friend I should go to his rescue. That’s what he would have done for any of us and that’s what we would do for him.

    I seemed to suddenly appear there I grabbed Hera and the boys began to help me pull her away from George. I muttered calming words and watched as George used the door behind him to prop himself up. She had been punching him in the gut repeatedly. He seemed rather pale now but the girl beside him helped him up.

    He smiled appreciatively at us. But I only caught a glimpse of the smile as Hera swung around and grabbed me throwing me off. I skid across the ledge next to the door and fell of the edge hitting the side walk. I rubbed at my behind where I had impacted. But I heard a little scream from above so I hoisted myself up off the side walk and vaulted lamely onto the steps.

    I looked around to see Pretty Boy was sprawled on the side walk next to the steps and his nose was bleeding again because he had landed on his face. I looked around and saw Italo lying on the stairs with the wind knocked out of him. I looked up to see she had lifted Baby Face up by has color. His hands were holding hers and his face was scrunched with effort. His legs kicked helplessly beneath him hoping to reach for some ground. I stood and tried to catch my breath as I attempted to make her let go of Baby Face.

    The air was already wrought with noise from the cars and bustling people but her yells seemed to top those. I tried to speak calmly to her but she wouldn’t listen she just continued shaking Baby Face. Still grasping his color. He was slowly turning blue. Would she strangle him.

    My voice rose into angry yells.

    “Drop him you crazy bat!” I yelled as I pulled helplessly at her arms. “He didn’t do anything to you! Drop him!”

    “Hera put down the boy!” I heard George growl. His voice was still weak though from the beating he had received from this huge woman. “Hes right its not his fault put him down. Calm down,”

    “You want me to put him down?” she asked looking around wildly at the both of us. “Alright, I will,”

    She threw him with a heave and the blue color drained from his face to replace white. I watched him slowly falling toward the stairs that he hit and rolled down. When he reached the side walk he was curled up and his head was bleeding. He felt it nervously and looked at the blood on his hands. He looked angry but seemed too weak and worn to do anything.

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