Chapter 6 : Gallons of Glycerol

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 I opened up the shop door and though the bell rang merily. I was still deep in thought. Once I had caught up to Baby Face and Pretty Boy. Pretty Boy started talking animatedly about the coming events. Which was Baby Face’s and my job. It only worsened my mood. Increasing my doubt that we could even pull this thing off.

Miss Molly came to stand behind the counter. Smiling down at us pleasantly. I budged a smile onto my face in response to hers.I noticed how very grey her hair had gotten lately. Some of it eas close to white at this point.

“Miss Molly?” I asked sweetly. “do you use glycerol in your products?”

She looked surprised at me. She nodded her head. Smiling again and tapping the case.

“That’s what makes my bakery different from the others. I use old timey recipes and things to make my goodies. Though it can get expensive some times.” she said still smiling at us.

“Well see, we have this science project we want to do and we need about 3 gallons of it.” I said “Could you point us in the right direction or would we be able to get it off of you?”

“I would get you some but im afraid I don’t have 3 gallons to offer” She said looking into the back room toward what was obviously her supplys. She put a finger up and went over to a drawer.

“However, I could show you where to get it.” She said while she scribbled on a piece of paper and then brought it over to us. Pushing the piece into my hand and smiling.

“You will have to pay for It there boys. It can be expensive. Why would you need that much any way?” she asked.

“Oh, dont worry miss. We can pay. We have enough money I think.” I said smiling around at the boys. Feeling better about the whole thing now for some reason. Perhaps because I felt in control again.“We arent sure why we need that much. Clyde wont tell us. Hes really good at science. He just gave us the instructions for 3 gallons.”

She nodded and smiled motioning to the sweet case.

“Would you like anything before you go boys?” she asked sweetly.

I looked around at the other two. It would seem unfair to come in here and not leave with anything. We weren’t very hungry at all. We had a big breakfast and had just gotten our day started. Looking in the case I saw some nice éclairs. Perhaps those?

“Eh,could we have 6 éclairs?” I asked looking through the case. I took the wad of cash Baby Face had handed me in the alley. The dirty money. Though now that I looked down at it. The proper sense of pride that I usually got from steeling flooded back in and i sighed with relief.

I separated enough money from the stack and served it onto the counter. Smilling as I saw her put each eclair in a those pretty little white bags. She set the bags on the counter. Scooping the money off and into that polished wooden register. She paused looking down at us again.

“Who are the extra two for?” she asked.

“Oh well, Hector has Bonnie and… now Castor has Ariel.” I said smiling back at Baby Face who turned red again.

“How nice.” she said sincerely. “Got little fillys for yourselves? Well here have another for Hera then… no charge again. What a truly wonderful woman. Bothering to teach you manners as well as feed and clothe you all.”

I watched as she went and grabbed another éclair. She slid it in a white bag which she shoved across the counter at me. She waved as we walked out of the shop.

Outside I stopped and handed two of the bags to Baby Face. One to Pretty Boy and held the other four in my hands. I tried to figure out how I would get to my own éclair while still holding the other three. I looked up at Baby Face who was frowning at the second bag in his hand.

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