chapter 1-To Walk The Walk

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Geuss what Pineapplesnakes.... saying sorry through here again. I feel sooooooo bad. Just so bad. Thank you for reading. I love all of you.... and especially you pineapplesnakes for putting up with my shiz nit. Seriously. Sincerely me, still sorry

Hey Everyone i fixed the terrible grammar... or at least i think i did. tell me if you catch anything and ill fix it.. now i just have to fix the other 5 chapters lol... i might post more soon thank you :]


I ran with a group of boys. We were all running. Not from a person of any kind. But from the law. We grew up in a boys home. Ran by a greek woman. We were all dropped on her doorstep in a basket or some other container. She always told us she knew us 4 would be trouble makers because we weren’t dropped off in pretty little baskets. We were dropped on her doorstep in old cardboard boxes. That looked as if recently dug out of dumpsters. She named me Hades. She said I looked like a miscreant from the moment my eyes met hers.

She was a large dumpy woman. With about 4 jiggling extra chins below her own. Usually sweaty and covered in crumbs from her previous meal. Her name was Ironically Hera as in the wife of Zeus and the goddess of motherhood. She was not motherly at all, more like the malicious portly aunt in some popular children’s stories. Her hair was piled in a messy bun at the top of her head. Her eyes always had a crazed look about them. And she wore a long black dress that was not fitting for the time. It was the 30s and she dressed like she was from the 1800s.

She had the majority of us dressed like something out of a Dickens novel, only dirtier. She constantly had me dressed up like the Artful Dodger with a battered old top hat and patched trousers that showed my ankles. A tweed jacket over a ratty old shirt with some less than supportive suspenders.

She didn’t bother having us go to school. If we wanted to go we could. Some of the boys in the home bothered to attend school. But me and the majority of my boys avoided it like the plague. Clyde was the exception only because of Bonnie, his flem

The boys home was divided into 2 groups. With a couple people who bounced around amoung them. There was my group. Then there was Henrys. His was bigger. He had 7 boys under his control. All very well built and himself a scrawny fella who directed them around like a puppeteer.

There was Doug his right hand man. Who was a big blonde idiot. Not that the rest were a group of Einsteins, they simply weren’t as dim as him. There was a set of triplets amoung them. All with black hair and dull black eyes. Their names were. Randy, Edward, and Clark.

Those 4 boys came with their names in their baskets. The 3 remaining in Henrys group didn’t allowing Hera to name them after the greek gods like she did me and many others before our time. The last 3 were named Hephastus but he went by Heper, he wheeled himself around in a dingy wheel chair she had found on the side of the road for him. Then there was Apollo a good looking guy, with blonde hair and bulging muscles. Leaving the biggest. He was already 6 feet tall at the age of 15. He had beady eyes and the rest of his face bulged out at odd angles. His name was Zeus. Hera’s favorite of all the boys.

Besides Henrys group and mine there were 3 others that bounced around. All of them were rather scrawny and under fed because they had no definite friends who would nick them food or share with them. They were named Italo, Liam, and Jeremy. They could have been brothers. They had the same page boy hair cut that lay flat against their head in the same mousy brown. The only differences between them was their height. Each was a year older than the other and each was an inch shorter then the other. With Italo the youngest and shortest. Liam the oldest and tallest.

Henry and I were sworn enemies. Henry was a little brainiac. With his big ol glasses and A+s. It wasn’t worth going to school to deal with him. Will and Castor agreed with me.

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