chapter 8- Fire Power

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Hera didn’t have anyone guarding the door tonight so we walked in. we looked around into the kitchen it was empty. We could hear them in the living room participating in the tradition of doing their homework together every night taking up the entertainment room and the place where that was all kept.

We walked carefully across the floor. Stepping over the boards that squaked when you tread on them. We creeped up the stairs and into our room. Italo stopped outside of it looking between us. I shared a glance with the boys. If there was no place of solace like a room to discuss the real plans where would we? We still needed to keep him in the loop and at least act like he really was part of the group now.

“you wanna stay with us?” I asked. I pointed over to the door that had his bed and his room mates behind it. “you wanting to stay with your brothers. Or you coming over here with us? Would they suspect something?”

The words just spilled out of my mouth. that’s why they wanted to call me silver tongue. I could always depend on it. If my brain couldn’t come up with a plan. My tongue would pick up the slack.

Italo looked around at the door. His face twisted around. He kept glancing between us and the door. His mouth moved off to the side.

“do you think they would suspect?” he asked.

“probably” I said shrugging. “have you expressed a lot of interest about running with us? I mean they probably would notice that and… us being… well us… they might put the pieces together.”

“yeah your right.” he said nodding his head and walking toward the door to his bedroom. “ best not raise suspicion. What are we doing tommarow?”

“your going to school with Clyde.” I replied turning to go into my own room after Baby Face and Clyde. “and we are moving a few more pieces around. Making sure everything goes smoothly.”

“should I know about them?” he asked

“the pieces? Nah no need. You understand im sure. Your smart enough.” I said smiling at him.

He nodded like he understood. Italo wasn’t a very good actor. His face showed how much he didn’t understand. It was better I didn’t get too attached to him. Better he didn’t know too much about the plan. Then again we would have to make him apart of the group. Unless we wanted to kill him. We could return to the threatening. But it seemed like a dead prospect at this point.

He would have to join. What we would call him? Something after a criminal im sure. Why wouldn’t we? It would only fit. If we didn’t give him a nick name he wouldn’t feel apart of the group and that could create problems. Maybe we could call him Al. after Al Capone. He was Italian wasn’t he? Or at least his name sounded like it. That really seemed like a better name for Baby Face. He had a short temper like Al Capone did. He was pretty partial to fixing things with violence. It fit.

I walked into the room and shut the door. I looked around at the boys. They nodded their approval. Baby Face’s smile was stretched wide across his face. Pretty Boy didn’t really need to smile. You could tell what he was thinking when he wanted you to. When he didn’t you were stuck just guessing.

“good one.” said Clyde with his own slight smile on.

“yeah.” Baby Face agreed “almost got us a new room mate. Its cramped enough in here… we wouldn’t have room. If you envited him in here. Well he would be sleepin in your bed.”

He laughed slapping his knee. I rolled my eyes and flung myself onto my bed. It squeled at me unpleasantly. The one from the shack at Ariel’s was a better bed.

“I tell you I woulda liked to see that happen.” said Baby Face laughing “ you and him. Got yourself a new little buddy huh? Like mentoring him? Better hope the little shit doesn’t turn on us.”

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