chapter 9- A Peace Treaty

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 Zeus and his boys stopped in front of us. I had never faced them all at once. I looked up at them. They were huge guys. There was muscles everywhere. They were simply huge. All 5 of them were. There was Doug with his big head and greasy hair. Then there was the triplets Richard, Edward, and Clark lined up behind Doug. Then was Apollo and Zeus at the front of the group.

“Heper not wanting to join us?” I asked politely. It seemed appropriate considering how they were all looking at us. I didn’t want to piss them off.

“we thought it better not to ask him. Considering his extreme loyalty to Henry.” said Apollo. Then something funny happened at the sound of Henry’s name they all spit on the ground. As if cursing him. Perhaps this would be much easier than I had bargained for.

“funny I don’t think ive heard you talk before.” said Baby Face smilling up at Apollo. He looked down quickly and smiled back at him. He was one of Hera’s favorites because of how hansome he was. He looked like Apollo should look. He had blonde wavy curls that fell to his shoulders. A 90 degree angle jaw and eyes so blue enough to challenge the ocean. His white teeth sparkled at Baby Face.

“Hey whats going on over here?” asked Clyde as he shuffled over to us. He smiled around at us.

“just talking.” I said as he fell in behind me next to Pretty Boy. “ I don’t know how much Zeus has filled you in on but we have decided to forget about the past. And pave a better future.”

They all nodded around. Patting Zeus on the shoulder and smiling at me. They were really intimidating even when they were happy.

“Zeus told us that you wanted to be friends now. He explained we should be brothers and not enemys. I agree with this.” said Doug. He had a slow deep voice that made him sound stupid. It fit because he was stupid. The triplets threw their fists in the air.

“here here” the said in unison.

“then we agree that we shouldn’t be fighting over petty stuff anymore?” I asked smiling. I kept the smile charming and relaxed. If I tensed so would they. They were like dogs… they could probably smell my fear.

“ we have enough going against us. With the way we are growing up. Our appearance. We don’t need to fall into that stereo type. Ive talked a bit to you Will. You could definatley be a lawyer. Fighting with you because Henry tells us to is foolish.” said Apollo animatedly. Every time he moved his blonde curls swished obediently. I ran my hands through my hair self consciously.

“I completely agree. If we want to make something of our selves we should start now by learning to get along with the people we live with. Not to mention you guys are nice guys. Who wouldn’t want you boys as a friend. You know that’s exactly what Henry was thinking when he befriended you. He just wanted you as body guards. We know better though don’t we boys? We know your people with feelings and stuff. Not just bags of muscle.” I said looking around at them with my hands open. I needed to seem open and by holding my hand out to the side it would open me up and seem more vulnerable. Meaning I wasn’t afraid of them. I respected them. They all nodded at my speech.

“then it is settled we will be your friends now. We hold no loyalty to Henry from this point onward.” said Zeus

“just to prove our loyalty to you boys and to open our friendships up with a good memory we want to help you boys get jobs. If you want them that is. We think we can get at least 2 of you in. theres a janitor assistant job open at a bank in the next town over. Not even a mile for a walk.” I said. My charming smile stretched unpleasantly. Please say yes!

“you think we should get jobs?” asked Doug.

“well ya.” I said shrugging. “we got some cause we didn’t want to be fit into that stereo type from before. We make the biggest effort not to. I geuss we just thought…”

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