chapter 5 : dirty money

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 We looked at watched as he went in through the door and ran away fast as we could from the buidling so no one would force us to go in. we slowed to a walk as we began to reach where people would bustle by and not notice if we knicked a couple dollars out of their pockets. We walked into an alley to discuss the plan.

“ok so Miss Molly might want compensation for the Glycerol… so we will need to get quite a bit of money out.” I said looking at both of them.

They nodded Baby Face pulled out his knife and flicked it open brandishing. “ it could be easier if one of us mugged a couple passing through here while the others were out in the street.” said Baby Face smiling down at his knife and rubbing the finger over the blade lovingly.

I grimaced at the thought of him with a gun in his hands. Baby Face appeared to be very blood thirsty lately. He always was picking fights with Henrys gang. He had even knifed one of them who started making fun of him. That had got him sent out onto the streets for three nights.

We weren’t aloud to leave the house then to go find him. I suppose Hera thought we would help him to sneak in. it occurred to me that he probably stayed at Ariel’s then as well.

“ im sorry but we might want to try and avoid mugging.” I said patting Baby Face cautiously on the shoulder. Almost afraid he might think to cut me. “they could pick us off more easily out in the open like this. Not to mention call for help and someone might be holding a gun. It wouldn’t be great to be rubbed off before we could make a name for ourselves would it?” 

still holding my hand lightly on his shoulder. He looked up at me then sadly down at his knife. He pocketed it and shrugged though seemed a little put out anyway.

“I think our best bet is to spread out around the streets. And haul in as much as we can.” said Pretty Boy thoughtfully.

“Right in the middle of the flow so they don’t know who did it though. Please don’t run. People get suspicious and we might need to bring in quite a load to do all this.” I said pleadingly.

“sure.” said Baby Face looking out at the flow of people on the side walk that was picking up. “ where will we keep all this stuff anyway? I mean the guns… gallons of glycerol the nice clothing we would steal for Italo and the masks and bags. We would also need to change locations afterward for the money. We cant keep it at the hom that’s for sure.”

“theres this shack in the middle of the woods on the east side of town. Its big. Plenty of rooms. Some of them even secret. I go there to think. I stumbled upon it a about a year ago on walk.” said Pretty Boy matter of fact like.

“How many people you think know about it?” I asked cautiously.

“I think itd be safe to assume none do.” he replied.

“how would you know that? old shack in the woods probably a hot spot for teenagers making out. Want some horny high schoolers stubbling upon a bunch of curious supplys.” asked Baby Face in a you must be stupid kind of voice.

“well, see in the shack theres this hard wood floor with a big ol thick layer of dust on it. So when I walk on it my footsteps stay embedded in the dust. When I go there the only foot steps are mine.” replied Pretty Boy in the same kind of voice.

Baby Face looked at him with his jaw clenched and borw furrowed. His little hands turned into fists and started turning purple cause of how tightly he was holding them. He relaxed very suddenly and shrugged his shoulders leaning against the alley wall. Smiling slightly.

“that’s ok for that then but we need at least two other places to keep things.” said Baby Face now picking his teeth with his knife.

“ why would we need two?” I asked “ one for the supplys before and another for the money after but…”

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