chapter 4- Do We Sleep Tonight?

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We walked down the quite street slowly. Thinking to ourselves about what we were about to do. I tried not to think about screwing over Italo. Granted I wasn’t killing him. I was just thinking of the group rather than of him. He wouldn’t get into much trouble anyway. It would be the decoy that would get in trouble .

Speaking of which. Who would be the decoy. Now we could choose and of Henry’s gang considering they were all well built and looked the part. I had a feeling the decoy would have to be beyond just bad to us. We would have to hate him as much as Hera to be willing to throw him under a bus quite that big.

We had finally reached the street the house was on. It had a series of the same kind of house on it. And 4 streets in both directions beyond this one were almost identical. Little tudor style houses up and down the streets. The only differing factors of them was the color of the wood or brick used to build them. None of the porch lights were on leaving only street lamps to cast enough light around the block.

We walked down the middle of the street and Pretty Boy began whistling. He often had trouble staying silent for too long. I saw as someone had just stepped into the light. Standing on the steps of his house. He was really tall and really well built. As I got closer I noticed that he was on the steps of the home for boys.I continued walking though I pulled the knife out of my pocket. Flipping it open.

Then I felt Baby Face lower my hand. I looked over at him and he gave me a clenched jaw look. Telling me to get a closer look at the stranger. I did and then I flicked the knife shut and slid it back into my pocket. Standing on the steps was Zeus.

I clenched my jaw and sighed. I squared myself in front of the steps looking up at his face that was barely lit by the lamp at the corner of the street. I nodded at him and stepped forward the others hung back. Not because they were afraid but because we didn’t want to threaten the guard. If we were nice he might let us in with out Hera knowing. I stepped climbed a couple of the steps.

“nice night huh?” I asked sweetly while smiling up at him. “considering the weather lately. Nice change”

“watcha doing botherin me bout the weather?” asked zeus looking sternly down at me.

“ oh just trying to be polite. Not much point in fighting when we don’t have to eh?” I asked still smiling up at him.

Zeus took a stride and covered the last steps between me and him. He continued looking down at me. Walking slowly toward me as he talked. Forcing me to back up.

“ I know what your trying to do you little slime ball.” he snarled picking me up by the collar of my neck. He threw me backward but the boys caught me. He pointed down at me. Still proceeding down the steps.

“your trying to sneak in here. Well you heard Hera she doesn’t want you little idiots in there tonight. A good punishment if you ask me. Bout time too.”he said stopping at the last step. “ who knows maybe ill get lucky and she’ll kick you 4 out. We have enough on our side to end up being criminals don’t need you 4 making us look even worse.”

he took out a knife and flicked open brandishing it at us. “ now get out of here and maybe ill consider saying you didn’t bother coming tonight and Hera will let you back into your beds tomorrow night.” he said tipping his hat to us and sitting on the steps again. Playing with his knife.

I looked around at them and they nodded we continued walking down the street. Not knowing where we were going to go. I turned around as we walked.

“ have a nice night Zeus.” I yelled back at him.

We walked a couple more blocks so we could keep zeus calm. I turned to face Baby Face. He stopped and the all circled around me. Looking at me glumly. I fixed my stare on Baby Face . He returned it.

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