chapter 2- Dead or Alive?

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I slid out of bed as the first light of day leaked in through our tiny window at the top corner of our room. Much like a window from a prison.

Baby Face was already awake reading his large Sherlock Holmes book. The book had been left with him in his box. As though his parents wanted him to grow up to be some kind of intelect. Baby Face was lucky it was over produced or Hera might’ve sold it to try and get some money out of it. He fitted the book mark gently inbetween the pages and stepped out of bed.

He pulled on his little dress jacket and got up beside the bunk bed to wake Clyde. He took Clyde’s head firmly in his hands and wacked it against the railing of the bunk bed. Clyde screamed and started trying to punch Baby Face. But Baby Face had already jumped down and ran out the door into the hall and down the stairs. Clyde flung out of bed and ran after him pounding down the hall.

I thumped Pretty Boy between the eyes. He glared at me clenching his fists then he seemed to think better of it. He shrugged and got out of bed pulling on his own jacket. I twirled my top hat onto my head and put on my tweed jacket. I straightened it and went down stairs.

Everyone was sitting at the long table. Serving themselves out of the many bowls of many different foods being passed around. I sat at the seat between Pretty Boy and Clyde that they had saved for me.

I served some eggs and bacon onto my plate then I grabbed a bagel and some jam off of Heper’s plate while he wasn’t looking. I shoved it under the table and ate it while he talked with Apollo.he looked up and at his plate. He was glaring at everyone looking for who had eaten it while he wasn’t paying attention.

Baby Face was having a hard time not laughing at Heper as he began to look under the table and all around. Searching for it. Italo went behind his chair while he was searching under the table and pulled it away. Heper fell out of the chair and got a mouth full of splintered wood as his face hit the floor.

Baby Face couldn’t help it anymore he started laughing. Italo trotted over to return the empty bowl to Hera while she cooked more food at the stove. My gang and the outlyers were laughing. Leaving Heper’s 7 big muscled friends to glare at us and flex their arms.

As Baby Face’s laughs got higher pitched and he clutched his gut staring unseeing at the ceiling his dimpley smile smothering his face. Zeus lost his temper and tugged sharply at Baby Face’s chair tipping him out. Baby Face rolled around on the floor still laughing as Heper tried to climb back into his chair.

However Pretty Boy had taken it to heart he flipped open his blade and pointed menacingly at Zeus. His jaw clenched and his heavy eye brows so furrowed they looked like one unit. Zeus bared his hand sharpened teeth at Pretty Boy like a dog. Granted Pretty Boy was the most well built out of all of us. However even he would not be able to take Zeus.

Zeus had an already brutish face and looked as if he could dead lift 400 pounds. Although he was only 15 he looked to be about 25. He even had the start of a beard. The peach fuzz on his jaw much too long to be considered peach fuzz anymore.

Baby Face seemed to notice what had happened. He stopped laughing, looking from Pretty Boy to Zeus. Zeus pulled his own blade from his pocket. Clyde at this point scooched backward not wanting to get involved. Leaving only me between them.

I looked around at Pretty Boy then to Zeus a couple times very fast. I saw out of the corner of my eye as Baby Face finally made a decision. In one movement he was on his feet and had his own knife out and pressed against Zeus’s throat. He was now standing on Zeus’s chair.

Before I could silently call Pretty Boy and Baby Face off of Zeus and skillfully brush everything under the carpet. Hera had turned around. She gasped and dropped a bowl of sausages she had been about take over to us.

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