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fear/ˈfir/nounan unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.

(Bokuto's pov)

After Akaashi and I finished at the cafe, right when I looked at him my phone started to buzz 'who on earth is calling me at this time' I thought. I pulled my phone out of my front pocket to see an unknown number on it, I know sometimes I got unknown number calls because of where I volunteered so I thought it must have been one of those. I told Akaashi the call was important and we went our separate ways, then I answered the phone. "Hello, this is Kotaro Bokuto,"

"Hello Kotaro, this is your Mother" the voice on the other end, I stopped dead in my tracks 'what does she want with me now, I changed my number again, how did she even get it.' I thought but didn't decide to hang up on her.

"Hello Mom, what do you need?" I asked in a monotone voice, "Oh honey you should sound more excited when you haven't talked to your mother in what is it now, ah 4 years. I just wanted to check up with you honey." she chimed, I knew that wasn't all she wanted, " so how have you been lately honey, do you have a girlfriend yet or are you still in that dumb phaggot phase of your Kotaro?" she asked in a snarky but bored tone, now I was enraged she knew it wasn't a phase, I decided to lie to her even though she would be somewhat angry with me. "Yes mom, I'm in a relationship and I am very much so happy with the Boy I am in a relationship with mom, thanks for asking, how are things with you and Dad? Still, divorced? Ya mom I can play that game too." I said in a salty tone 'I'm done with her shit, I need to be with someone soon if flashbacks come in, I started panicking I still don't really know anyone here. "Well honey I would love to meet this boy you're in a relationship with, maybe if he meets enough expectations of mine maybe I will approve of your relationship." she said even when she said the word 'boy' she had a disgusted tone in her voice, I didn't even care I was texting Akaashi, he was the only person I have.

From Owl Man

Hi Akaashi, I know this is really random but I really need to be with someone right now, and I don't have any friends besides you, can I please stay with you just for the night I promise that's all it will be.

From Akaashi

Um, Sure you can stay for the night, I'll need to tidy up a bit but here's the address of my apartment, (Insert random address) my apartment is number 12.

From Owl Man

Thank you Akaashi so much You have no idea how thankful I am rn

I was snapped back into the situation I was in when I heard my Mother's voice again, "You seemed distracted since you weren't listening to a thing I was saying I'm gonna guess you were texting that boyfriend of yours" she nagged out with a disgusted tone.

"Yes mom, I was, I'm heading to his place now," I said trying to sound somewhat confident, "Oh are you now, how about I'll hang up now and call back in about 20 minutes, I'm guessing you'll be there by then, I would love to talk to this boyfriend of yours." She said, she hung up before I could say no. 'Shit', I quickly made my way to Akashi's place. It wasn't very far from here so I would be able to get there with enough time to explain to him what's happening.

I panicked while I was looking for his apartment number, I sped through the halls until I saw the number 12 on a door, 'Okay, here we are' I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He slowly opened the door and let me in, his apartment was decently sized and wasn't decorated a lot, but he had a few plants here and there. I quickly looked at my phone to see what the time was 'shit, I've only got about 10 minutes to fully explain what's going on here. "Hey Akaashi can we sit, I have only about 10 minutes to quickly explain something that's happening," I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck

"Of course here lemme move my books really quick," he said frantically moving his books over to his desk right next to his little plant, 'cute' wait what?!? Nononono, I need to focus. I quickly took a seat on the couch, "okay Bokuto what is it you wanted to talk about?" "well, um, you see-" I was cut off by my phone vibrating, I looked to see who it was.


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