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loud/loud/adjectiveproducing or capable of producing much noise; easily audible.

(Bokuto's pov)

"We should probably go back inside Bokuto." is all I heard from Akaashi before he started to walk away,I didn't want him to walk away so fast.

The next thing I know my body is moving on its own and I didn't realize it until I grabbed his hand. He looked startled by my action, flustered, I quickly and loudly stuttered out "c-can I h-have your number??" He looked so shocked, he looked at me in my eyes then back down to my hand that was still holding his. I quickly took note of what he was saying and let go of his hand quickly, after I let go of his hand, I watched him reach into his back pocket and pull out his phone, and handed it to me.

"Put your name and number in, then I'll text you so you can save my number" calmly said in his dead voice. I stumbled a little but managed to put my name and number into his phone, when I handed him back his phone he looked at the name, gave a soft smile then proceeded to text me real quick.

My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket


Hi this is my number-Akaashi

I quickly saved his number in my phone then quickly headed to class so I wasn't late.

After school, when I got to my apartment I took off my shoes and threw myself on the couch, and decided to text Akaashi.

From Owl Man


From Akaashi

Oh, hi Bokuto

From Owl Man

Hey, Akaashi do you wanna go out, I wanna show you how to have fun, besides cleaning :p

From Akaashi

Sure, where should we meet?

From Owl Man

Meet me here *insert location of a coffee shop*

From Akaashi

Ok, I'll see you there in 10.

Monophobia (Bokuaka AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu