8 (Backstory pt. 1)

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(14-year-old Bokuto's pov)

'This is it, this is gonna be the day' I thought to myself, 'I can do this, just go up to them and say it, it's summer break so they're calmer, they'll understand' I reassured myself as I made my way down to the kitchen. "What's up little bro," my oldest sister said to me " looks like something is bothering you," she said, I decided I'll tell her first, "Can I talk to you in your room?" I asked her quietly while looking down at my hands. "Sure, anything for my little bro," She said, showing me to her room and slowly closing the door behind her. "So what's u-" she started " I'm Gay" I spoke bluntly catching her off guard. I thought she was gonna get angry but she just tilted her head back slightly and chuckled " Finally I have someone to talk to about my Lesbian problems" she said laughing even louder. I felt tears rim my eyes when she noticed that she pulled me into a tight hug "shh it's okay, I support you and so does sis', are you planning on telling mom and dad?" I nodded my head, still not letting her go. " Okay I'll tell them to go wait in the living room for you, do you want me to be there when you tell them?" hugging her tighter I nodded my head, "Okay" She sighed and let me go leaving me in her room for a couple of minutes.

I sat there my hands trembling with tears threatening to leave my eyes when I heard a small knock on the door frame to see my second older sister standing there with a concerned look on her face "Sis' told me what's goin on, I just want you to know I don't love ya any less little bro, yer still always gonna be a pain in the ass tho ya know but not because of this but because yer my little brother,'' She said smiling while sitting next to me on the bed I smiled slightly back at her. God, I'm going to miss them, My oldest sister is on the last days of her break from college so she's gonna be going back at the end of this week and the only reason she is here is to see my other sister go to college in 2 days. I was scared but happy for them, mainly scared of being left alone. I hated being alone even for an hour. My anxiety would go sky high and I would breakdown, and then it would just get worse when someone came home and found me like that.

I heard my sister call for me to come into the living room, I shakily stood up and took a few deep breaths before leaving her room and walking into the living room. I saw my Mom and Dad sitting on the couch next to my sisters and gestured to me to sit in the chair across from them, I really felt nervous now. I slowly made my way to the chair and shakily sat down. I saw my Mom and Dad look at each other for a quick second before my Dad spoke up, "Your sister tells us there is something you want to tell us." He said blatantly. "I-I, um, M-mo-mom D-da-dad" I started my voice cracking just saying their names, I could feel tears fill up my eyes again, " I'm Gay" I quietly said. " I didn't hear you hon, what?" my mom asked leaning in, " I'm Gay, I like boys," I said avoiding eye contact with them. "Hmmm" was all the response I got from my father as he rubbed his chin and my mother rubbed the back of her neck, "well we both will always love you for who you are," she said opening her arms for a hug, I felt tears start to run down my face while I fell straight into her hug. Why did I ever believe those words of hers.

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