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hid·den/ˈhidn/verbpast participle of hide1.adjectivekept out of sight; concealed.

I was nervous, I couldn't think straight one bit, my hands were shaky just as much as my body. I just couldn't understand why he wanted to be around me, I was the most boring person he could have chosen out of the class. I know for a fact he and Tetsurō would have gotten along, but then again he and Kozume hang out a lot so maybe not.

We decide to sit on a bench outside the school to eat, when he looks over and sees that I don't have lunch "Do you want some of mine?" he asked "No, it's ok really, I usually don't eat lunch"I responded politely. He looked at me for a bit before eating, "so, uh, what do you like to do for fun?" he asks with his mouth full. I perked up a bit at this question, I honestly didn't know what I liked to do. "I guess I usually just clean my apartment, I don't really go out or anything." I quietly said. He laughed loudly " you clean for fun?!?" " Man I'm gonna have to take you out so you can actually have fun." He said with a huge smile on his face. "Ya, I guess you could" I responded looking down at my hands now trying to avoid his gold eyes. His eyes, no matter how hard you tried you couldn't help but get lost in them, but the longer I stare in them sometimes I can see just a little bit of sadness hidden behind the happiness. I knew that feeling, having to hide your sadness with a mask of happiness. "Akaashi you okay? Is something bothering you?" His voice broke my train of thought. I hummed in response " ya, I'm fine just thinking a little." I responded, we were so different I'm quiet he's loud, I respond quickly and don't like starting conversations, He always breaks the silence

I stood up when I heard the bell ring, "we should probably get going Bokuto" I claimed but just before I could speed off.

He grabbed my hand.

Sorry this was a short chapter

Stupid school assignments >:(

Monophobia (Bokuaka AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz