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(Akaashi's pov)

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, someone as nice and enthusiastic as him went through all that? He started to break down so I quickly ran over to the couch to hug him, he buried his face into my chest as I slowly rubbed his back. " Shhh, you're okay here, I'm here, I'll keep you safe." I whispered as I started to rub the back of his head. We stayed like that for another 15 minutes, just me comforting him so he could calm down. I felt him yawn against my chest, "How about you go to bed, I'll sleep on the couch" I said slowly pulling out of the hug. " But it's your apartment, you should sleep in your own bed," he said slowly. "It's fine, you're my guest, now go get some rest" He slowly nodded and got up to go into my bedroom, I went and grabbed an extra blanket for myself and layed on the couch, and attempted to fall asleep.

'Why am I still awake, it's 3 in the fucking morning' I thought as I continued to lay on the couch wide awake, I flipped over again when I heard Bokuto walk into the living room so I closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping. I thought he would have been getting a drink of water until I felt his arms pick me up from the couch and slowly bring me into the bedroom to lay me on the bed. "I know you're still awake Akaashi," he said quietly, I opened my eyes and flipped over to look at him. "Why'd you bring me into my bed?" I asked, "well 1 it's your bed, and 2 I hate sleeping alone otherwise I cuddle a pillow but you don't have a lot of those, and 3 I thought maybe sleeping with someone else who could keep you warm would help you sleep since you're a literal icicle when you're trying to sleep." He said covering me with another blanket. I was kinda shocked, no one really ever cared this much about me, I guess it was worth a shot. I flipped over and quietly said "okay," I felt one of his arms wrap around my stomach and I realized just how cold I was when I was trying to sleep or Bokuto was just extremely hot when he slept. His warmth filled me up, I didn't want to move, for the first time in who knows how long I started to feel drowsy. I felt my eyelids getting heavier and were struggling to stay open, eventually, I gave up the fight to try and stay awake and let the warmth of Bokuto fill me and sleep fill my mind.

Bokuto must have gotten up before me because when I woke up he wasn't beside me, 'what time is it?' I looked over at my alarm clock 'HOLY SHIT IT'S 10 AM ALREADY!!' I threw the blankets that Bokuto must have laid on me and ran into the kitchen area to see Bokuto cooking eggs and rice. "Oh good you're awake, how do you like your eggs?" he said turning his head to look at me, "I-, uh-, scrambled please," I said slightly shocked that he was doing this for me. "Alrighty, go sit at your little table I'm almost done here." I did as he said and went and sat down, 'This feels weird, I'm not used to this,' "Is there anything I can help with?" I asked about to get out of my chair when he put his heavy hands on my shoulders. "Stay sitting," he said going back to the counter and bringing back a bowl with rice, eggs, and small cubed pieces of ham. "Wow, Bokuto, this looks amazing, you really didn't have to make anything," I said taking the first bite, "It's my way of saying thank you to you," he said looking down at his bowl. " what for?", he looked up at me "for letting me come here and for helping me with my mom." he said looking at me straight into my eyes, "oh that, I'm sure you would have done the same for me if I was in your situation," I said in a quiet tone looking down so he couldn't see how flustered I was.

After finishing eating in silence I suddenly realized something "SHIT, We're gonna be late for school!!" I said about running into my room, but I felt Bokuto grab my wrist. "It's okay, I called our college and said you weren't feeling the greatest so I was gonna stay home with you today," He said calmly, "b-but why?" I said feeling like I was about to collapse from how shaky my legs were, " because you need rest Akaashi, your legs are shaking, you don't sleep a lot, you literally clean for fun not judging but like, this is just a break day for you, if you feel tired let me know Ill nap with you so you can actually sleep. If you want to go out, I'll take you wherever you want to go." everything seemed like a blur, the next thing I knew I had my face buried into his chest, crying. All I felt was joy and relief and Bokuto's arms wrapped around me while one of his hands played slowly with my hair. All I heard for the next 5 minutes was Bokuto's slow breathing while I calmed down, but I still didn't leave his arms, I felt safe in his hold. "What the hell is this feeling?!?"

Hi, sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, I'm starting to get back into writing again. I hope you enjoy the new chapter. 

I'm planning on ending this story soon. Have a good day,night, or whenever your reading this my friends :D

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