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nounhabitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.

(Akaashi's pov)

I look over at my alarm clock to see it's already 2:00 in the morning *sighs* "Well if I'm not gonna be able to sleep I might as well do something" I mutter to myself while weakly getting out of my bed. I decided to just go into my living room and turn on the tv to see what's on, I flipped through a few channels till I reached the news channel. " Why is everything on the news always so sad" I whisper shutting off the t.v because the news had nothing good for me.

I decided to just do the dishes since I had some in my tiny sink. After finishing the dishes I looked at my phone to see what time it was, it was 5:00, so I decided to hop into the shower and get ready for the day. After getting out of the shower and drying my hair, and all that other morning things you do to get ready for your long day of college. (lol idk :p) I head out of my apartment to see that the sun is already starting to rise, so I decide to walk over to a small coffee shop nearby, to get some coffee before making my way to Meiji. When I walk into the coffee shop I run face first into another man leaving, I stumble back a bit. "I am so sorry, are you ok?" he exclaimed, his loud voice scaring me a little for a second. I looked up into his golden eyes and quickly looked away," ya, I'm fine, sorry I should have been looking where I was walking." he laughed loudly and walked out the door, I caught a slight glance of him, his hair was spiky and kinda made him look like an owl with the grey and black in his hair. I smiled softly until my thoughts were broken "sir, what would you like today?" I ended up just ordering a vanilla latte and walking out the door, this time making sure I didn't run into anyone.

I get to my first class and sit in the way back, away from everyone since I was kinda invisible to them anyway, somedays I wish someone would maybe notice me. I shook those thoughts from my head as our professor walked into class instead of starting class she kept looking outside the classroom door. "Alright, class I want to introduce a new student to our class" she finally said waving her hand to let the student know they could come in now. My eyes widened. It was the guy I bumped into at the coffee shop. " would you like to introduce yourself?" she asked him. "Sure!" he boomed with his loud voice making everyone just a little startled. " I'm Bokuto Kōtarō, I'm new here at Meiji university, and I hope some of us could be friends!" He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

"Alright Bokuto, please go take a seat now so I can start class," Professor said calmly. He nodded and started looking around the room for open spots when he looked in the back where I was sitting. We made eye contact and I knew immediately that he recognized me, a grin grew on his face as I watched him make his way up the stairs towards where I was sitting.

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