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smile/smīl/verbform one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

(Akaashi's pov)

I quickly got off my couch and slid into my shoes and started my way to the coffee shop. The coffee shop wasn't too far from my apartment so I was able to get there pretty quickly. When I got there Bokuto was already sitting at a table inside waiting (what a surprise :p). He waved at me, showing he was here, even though I had already seen him. I quickly made my way to the table, I realized that Bokuto had chosen a table that wasn't around anyone, had he done that on purpose knowing I didn't like being around a lot of people. No. it was probably a coincidence, we've only known each other for a day.

I quickly made my way to the table avoiding eye contact with everyone until I made it to the table Bokuto was sitting at, I sat down across from him still only looking down. "Are you okay Akaashi? I got a table in the back 'cause I noticed you didn't like sitting by people in class." He said more quietly, I could tell he was trying. "I'm fine Bokuto, thanks for inviting me out with you." I quietly said looking up at him. "Ya no problem dude, you need to get out more if what you do for fun is cleaning," he chuckled out

"What can I get for you two gentlemen" a small girl piped while standing by our table. You could tell she was new. "Uh I'll do a vanilla latte," I Said now looking at the girl "ooh that sounds good but I think I'll just do one of your guy's muffins" Bokuto boomed. The girl quickly wrote down our orders and walked away, we sat in awkward silence until Bokuto broke it with a question I didn't feel like hearing. "Hey, Akaashi, why do you look so tired all the time, the dark circles under your eyes are kinda dark man."

I looked down at my hands, I didn't feel like talking about the fact that I have insomnia so I tried to keep my answer short and easy and not too full in detail. " I just don't sleep a lot," I quietly said, still looking at my hands. Before Bokuto could say anything our waitress brought his muffin and my drink, "Here go gentlemen, you can just pay at the counter when you're done" she said before she walked away. "Anyway back to my question," Bokuto said as he cleared his throat " Do you have insomnia or something, or just really bad sleeping habits?" He asked chuckling a little, his laughs and chuckles always seemed forced, like there was shallow sadness hidden behind them. "Insomnia, but it's not so bad that I need to be in a hospital or anything" I quickly said in a very monotone voice still avoiding eye contact. I took a sip of my latte soon realizing that it was the wrong order. I guess my disgusted face was funny to look at because Bokuto suddenly broke out laughing "What's with the face Akaashi?" He laughed. "It's the wrong order," I said in a soft monotone voice, a smile starting to form over my mouth as I continued to hear Bokuto laugh. He eventually stopped laughing with his usual large grin left on his face, we got up and paid for our things then left the coffee place, I was about to suggest we could walk to a park since we still had sunlight to kill, but his phone started to ring and he exclaimed that it was important and he had to take it. I didn't argue with him since I'd see him at school tomorrow, I walked back to my apartment, took off my shoes, took a quick shower then went and laid in my bed to attempt to sleep.

Sorry this was another really short chapter, I'm struggling to find time to work on this story

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