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I got my idea for this story from the creator @kwesinesis

This is gonna be an AU where Bokuto has Monophobia( also known as Autophobia)

And Akaashi suffers from slight insomnia.

Both Akaashi and Bokuto go to the same college

Also please be patient with me, there will probably be a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes :')

The college the two go to us named Meiji University, which is a real university in japan(had to do some research :') )

Anyways I guess I should put a warning on here


This story will consist

Homophobic slurs

PTSD/Anxiety triggers



Anyways I hope you enjoy the story, I'm still very new to writing so any helpful writing tips will be very helpful.

Enjoy the story


128 words

Monophobia (Bokuaka AU)Where stories live. Discover now