Stuck on you: The Truth

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Laura's pov
I dried my tears and decided to go back to the lynchs, i wasent gonna find Scarlett out here. I walked in the house and saw Rocky sitting down, he looked mad. Ross was no where to be seen and the others were just talking

Riker: laura!

I turned to face him

Laura: hey

Riker: where did you go?

Laura: I tried looking for Scarlett

Riker: you couldn't find her could you

Laura: -sighs- no. where's Marie and ross, and what's wrong with Rocky?

Rydel: things between Rocky and ross got a little over hand and Rocky ended up hitting Marie on accident and she got pissed of so she left, and Ross is in his room

Laura: god, why can't we just go a day without drama

I walked upstairs and saw ross sitting on the top of the stairs

Laura: ross

He didn't reply

Laura: why did you and rocky fight?

Ross looked at me

Ross: he started, I was just defending myself

Laura: you choose to hit him back

Ross: it's not my fault! I didn't notice she was gone! She didn't scream or anything

Laura: I'm sorry, I was just scared and worried

Ross: why didn't you tell me about your dad?

Laura: I don't know, it's hard to talk about it

Ross: but you told riker

Laura: it just came out I guess

Ross: can you tell me?

I looked at him, then looked at the ground I started playing with my thumbs

Laura: when I was little my mom and dad were still together, they were both happy and they loved us, we decided to move here, my dad got a job. it was my dads birthday and I wanted to surprise him at his office, my mom dropped me off and once I walked into his office I saw him kissing his secretary, once he saw me he grabbed me and told me not to tell mom, once I got home I didn't know what to do, my dad got home from work and we all sat together for dinner, that's when I yelled it out I couldn't keep it anymore, things starts getting crazy my dad started drinking, my mom was never home, my dad and mom always fought. One day I was left alone at home, dad got home and he started hitting me, he was drunk, he yelled at me, "You ruined my life, I hate you, I wish you weren't my daughter!" Those few words got stuck in my head every single day, I would wake up and just think about what he told me, then after hitting me he abused me, he was halfway through when Vanessa walked in and got him off me, we ran away together, and we never saw them, until now...

I wanted to cry but no tears would come out, he hugged me tight

Ross: I'm sorry

Laura: yeah, everyone is

Ross: so how did your dad find you?

Laura: Vanessa called him...

Ross let go of me and stared at me surprisingly

Ross: she did this...

I slowly nodded, ross put his arm around me an started rubbing my arm slowly

Ross: we are going to find Scarlett, don't worry

Ross and I walked downstairs, the sun started to rise, everyone looked tired

Laura: guys we need to look for her

Riker: I'm gonna call the police it's been more than 24 hours

Riker walked outside

Rocky: what can we do? What if she never shows up, it can be weeks, months even years

Laura: you don't know that!

Rocky: neither do you

I looked at rocky

Laura: I'm going to try to call my dad

I walked upstairs

Rosss pov
Laura was right after what she just told me, we need to find her as soon as possible, we all started thinking of some ways to get her back when the door swung open, I looked over at the door

Maia: hey

We all looked at each other worried


Maia: what do you mean she got kidnapped?!

Rydel: we didn't notice, it was an accident

Maia: and who kidnapped her?

Ratliff: Laura's dad....

Maia: the crazy guy?!

Maia started screaming, laura ran downstairs and slowly stopped when she saw maia

Maia: you! Your crazy dad kidnapped my daughter?!

Laura: I'm sorry I didn't know he was back

Maia walked over to me

Maia: I don't want to see you ever again

Laura: I guess now is good time to tell you

Maia: what?!

Laura's pov
I was so pissed off at Maia, she blamed me for everything! Ever since she woke up, now it's my turn to hit her where it hurts. Ross told everyone to go away they all ran upstairs it was just ross, Maia and I

Maia: what? Go ahead there's nothing that can make this worse than it already is!

Ross: Laura?

Laura: we had to tell her sooner or later ross, and I think this is a good time to tell her

Ross: what are you doing?

Laura: ross cheated on you with me! Yeah we both love each other

Ross: I'm sorry Maia

Laura: he was so tired of you, always
bossing him around he got tired so we started to hang out and we both fell for each other!

Ross: Laura!! I think you should stop!


I then realized what I've done, I felt horrible, I hurt my best friend and my boyfriend at the same time

Laura: Maia.....

Ross: it's not what you think


*gun shot*

Laura: *gasps* what was that?


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