Stuck on you: Guilty Feelings

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Maia's pov

Ross and I we're cuddling in the living room with the whole family, every once and while I will look at Rocky who was looking at me, god I felt so bad for having sex with Rocky! it should of been with Ross

Ross: -whispers- you ok?

Maia: uh yeah, I'm just tired

Ross: wanna go to bed?

Maia: no I'm ok here, don't worry

We were watching a movie, I could feel rocky looking at me, god why I do it?


It was a few week before Maia and Ross's anniversary and everyone was gone, Rydel had to go to dance class, Ryland had hockey practice, Ross and Laura went to audition for 'Austin and Ally' Ratliff wasent here, Riker had to go to the store. It was just rocky and Maia in the living room alone

Rocky: so what do you want to do?

Maia: watch a movie?

Rocky: sure, what movie?

Maia: uhh do you have that clown movie....

Rocky: 'It'?

Maia: yeah! let's watch that!

Rocky: you sure?

Maia: yeah I'm sure

Rocky laughed and put in the movie and sat next to Maia, they were half way through the movie, Maia was getting scared so she barrier her head in Rockys chest then looked back at the screen, Rocky had he's hand over Maia, a scary part showed up and they both turned around, which made them numb heads

Rocky: you scared?

Maia: y-yeah sort of

Rocky was smiling, Maia and Rocky where facing each other, Rocky leaned in and kissed her the kiss got heated, Rocky picked up Maia and took her upstairs with out breaking the kiss, he got in his room kicked it closed and locked it, the kiss kept going, then shirt and jeans were coming off they got under the covers and Maia took Rockys boxers off and Rocky took Maia's panties and bra off they went back to kissing........................ and the rest was history

-------------End of flashback------------

Rockys pov

I could see that something bothered Maia, yeah we had sex, I have feelings for her, do I regret doing what I did? Yeah, but that dosent change the fact that I love her!! I should be the one cuddling with her! I should be the father of that child! That should be me!! Not Ross!!! Ugh!

Rikers pov

Did you see how hot Laura looked today? Yeah I have feelings for her, how couldn't I? she's so hot!! but the only problem here is that ok older that her, but numbers are just numbers right? Anyways I was thinking of asking her out, but what if she says no? Then what? god I'm making this harder then it needs to be

Ross's pov

A few hours later Maia fell asleep on my lap, I carried her to my room, i didn't want to wake her up, I laid her down in my bed and put some covers over her, she moved a little but she was still sleeping, I walked downstairs to get some water but I bumped into Rocky

Ross: sorry dude

Rocky: it's cool, so how are things going with Maia??

Ross: great, I can't believe she's pregnant

Rocky: pfff...i know right

I grabbed another glass of water

Ross: we'll see yeah

I pat Rockys should and went back upstairs, I put the water down by my nightstand and took of my clothes leaving me in boxers and went to bed

Laura's pov

I got home and saw Vanessa in the living room

Vanessa: hey Laura

Laura: hey, guess who's pregnant

Vanessa: OMG!! your pregnant!?

Laura: what? no. Maia's pregnant!

Vanessa: oh, OMG! she's pregnant!?

I laughed

Vanessa: Who's the baby daddy?

Laura: Ross, duh

Vanessa: oh yeah their dating

Laura: yeah, so what going on?

Vanessa: uh nothing much

Laura: oh, I got accepted to be on Austin and ally!!

Vanessa: oh my god!! really!! I'm so proud of you!

Laura: I know and Ross is too

Vanessa: you get to work with him

Laura: yeah!......anyways how your relationship with Conner?

Vanessa: oh we broke up, I found out he was cheating on me

Laura: oh, I'm sorry Nessa

I sat down in the couch next to her and hugged her

Vanessa: ehh, it's cool anyways what about you?

Laura: what about me?

Vanessa: oh come on, I'll see the way Riker looks at you

Laura: seriously?

Vanessa: seriously, he likes you!

Vanessa pocked me and I giggled

Laura: I don't think he does

Vanessa: but he does!! the way he looks at you, the way he's around you, it's so obvious he likes you

I smiled

Laura: hu, Riker likes me

Vanessa nodded like crazy

Laura: I'll think about it

Vanessa laughed

Laura: anyways, I'm going to bed!

Vanessa: yeah me too, goodnight!

I ran upstairs

Laura: goodnight!

I walked in my room and got ready for bed

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