Stuck on you: Sleepover

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Laura's pov

We changed into our pjs and set up everything in my room, we had our popcorn, ice cream, toppings for ice cream, candy, etc. we got pillows and say on the floor with a huge soft blanket over us we picked 'Mama' the scary movie, we got out ice cream bowl and started eating

Maia: scared

Rydel: shhhh!

We finished the movie

Maia: guys I don't want to go to sleep

Laura: Maia it wasn't that scary

Maia: it's kinda was! I need ross

Laura: let's not talk about him, ok?

Maia nodded and sat back down, we got up and did out hair and nails, we laughed and talked, we took some pictures and Rydel posted them on Instagram and Twitter, then we decided to tell each other secrets, al though we already knew most of our secrets

Maia: ok who goes first?

Laura: let's spin a bottle

Rydel: good idea

We got a glass bottle of soda and spun it, it landed on Rydel first

Maia: ohh Rydel!

Laura: you have to tell us a secret we don't know!

Rydel: ok, hmmmm...... I already had my first kiss

Laura: what!?

Maia: when!!? details!

Rydel: no, I had to tell you a secret, I don't have to be specific

Laura: ahhhh!

Maia: I'm dying to know!

Rydel: I'm not saying anything

Laura: fine! spin the bottle

We spun the bottle again and it landed in me

Maia: laura!

Laura: hmmm....ok this may not be big, but I auditioned to be on the new comedy Disney show 'Austin and Ally'

Maia: what!?

Rydel: so did Ross!

Laura: what? i didn't know! why didn't you guys tell me?

Maia: we thought you knew!

Laura: we'll I clearly dont!

Maia: wow, I didn't see this coming

Laura: spin the bottle!!

We spun it again and it landed on Between Maia and Rydel

Rydel: it landed on Maia!

Maia: what? no!

Laura: we'll Rydel already told us a secret, you should take this one Maia

Maia: -sighs- fine!

Rydel: yes!

Maia: ok, so for our anniversary, I got Ross a si--

Just after Maia could finish her sentence, Riker, Rocky, Ratliff and Ross attacked us with water balloons, we screamed and ran around my room

Rydel: idiots!!

Laura: -laughs- what the?

Riker: we got you guys!

Maia: haha so funny

We walked over to them and took some water balloons out of their bucket and threw one at each of them

Laura: now were even

We sat ok the floor and so did the guys

Rydel: how long were you guys there?

Ross: we just got here, we slowly opened your window and attacked

Laura: I can see that

Rydel: this is an all girls sleepover

Ratliff: yeah! you heard them, Riker, rocky and Ross!

Maia: that includes you to Ratliff

Ratliff: Awww

Laura: Ross why didn't I tell me out auditioned for 'Austin and Ally'?

Ross: I thought you knew

Laura: I didn't

Ross: we'll I did, last week

Laura: So did I

Ross: really?!

Laura: yeah, what if we get picked!?

Ross: it'll be awesome! who did you auditioned as?

Laura: Ally, you?

Ross: Austin!

We both laughed

Laura: there going to call the ones that got picked tomorrow, I'm nervous

Riker: don't be, I bet you did great

Rocky: yeah, acting has to be in your blood, Vanessa does great in 'Switched at Birth'

Rydel: love that show!

Maia: you guys better get going it's getting late

Rydel: yeah

The guys agreed and said goodbye, we got our sleeping bags out and went to sleep

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