Stuck on you: Goodbye

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Laura's pov
Okay so it's been 4 days, and a few things have happened, Vanessa got out of the hospital and we threw her a little "Welcome Home" party, she got her own little apartment and decided to take some classes for collage, Ross and Riker have been whooing me and chasing me around, they're always getting me something, like ross got me flowers, a teddy bear, and my favorite chocolates, then there was this one time that he cooked for me, god I don't want to go out with neither of them because I don't want to hurt them but they just don't get it, then Maia finally decided to come visit us, and once she saw me she started being herself, she plays with Scarlett and takes her out, her and Rocky decided to talk it out and see what they decided on doing with Scarlett, they decided for her to stay with the people she grew up with and that Maia will come and take her out on Mondays, Thursday's, and Saturdays. Marie and Rocky have been doing great with their relationship they look so adorable together, and so do Ratliff and Rydel. Scarlett seems to be doing fine, she's getting to know her mom and she's happy that I'm back and that Rocky is going out with Marie, she likes to call Maia, Marie and I, her mom so to her it seems like she has 3 moms. Damiano, like you guys know died, yesterday was his funeral, I got a little emotional, even tho he's a bad guy and isint really my dad, I'm still going to miss him, weird right? As of for me, im leaving, I decided to go to Miami, I've always wanted to go there! And there be no drama over there. I was in my room packing all my things, well only the things I needed, I was going to be gone for some time. There was a soft knock on the door, I turned around and saw Rydel standing there smiling at me

Rydel: so your really leaving?

Laura: -sighs- yeah, I mean look and Riker and Ross I can't stand them!

She giggled and i smiled

Rydel: I'm going to miss you

Laura: me too, but don't worry I'll be back soon, I promise

Rydel: you better, your like a sister I never had!

Laura: thanks, besides you can always call me and we can FaceTime, so you can always tell me what this crazy family is up to

Rydel: your part of the family too

Laura: I know, and I'm very thankful for it

Rydel smiled and walked over to me, she softly hugged me

Rydel: okay well I leave you now, before I get emotional

I laughed as she walked out the door. My clothes, check
Shoes, check
Make up, check
Hair products, check
Accessories, check
Electronics, check
Books, check
Instruments, check

I know what your thinking, how is an airport gonna allow all this? Well, the thing is, I can't leave my car here, right? So I decided to drive to Miami! Road Trip, yay!

I started getting all my suitcases and bags in my car

Riker: hey can I help?

Laura: yeah, thanks

Riker smiled and helped me get my stuff downstairs into the car, once we were done, we made sure everything was secure, we were outside, I turned to him and smiled at him

Laura: thanks again

Riker: no problem

There was a small silence between us

Riker: I just can't believe your actually leaving

Laura: I just need to go, for a while, but ill be back I promise

Riker: but you just got back

Laura: I know, thanks to you

He smiled

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