Stuck on you: Randomess

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Lauras pov

I can't believe it, tomorrow is Prom... Ross asked Maia.Riker asked me.Rocky asked Marie... and I think Ellington and Rydel like each other, maybe ell was Rydels fist kiss!! she told us at the sleepover that she had her first kiss... I need to investigate

Riker: what are you thinking about?

Riker came over, we were in my room cuddling...alone. Vanessa was shooting "switched at birth" season 3

Laura: prom

Riker: well I can assure you, it's going to be awesome!

Laura: I know it will, cause you'll be there with me

Riker smiled and kissed me smoothly

Laura: I'm so happy your mine

Riker: and I'm happy your mine

Laura: I guess I'm stuck on you

Riker: I guess you are

I hugged Riker, I love him so much

Ross's pov

I was at home, with Maia. she couldn't stop talking about prom, but I wasn't listening, all I could think of was Laura

Maia: and then we could go out to the beach, listen to waves...-sighs- what do you think?

Ross: awesome

Maia: your not listening

Ross: I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking

Maia: of what?

Ross: ...nothing, nothing that you have to worry about

Maia: did you buy your suite?

Ross: yep

Maia: we should go matching

Ross: -scoffs- I don't even know what your dress looks like

Maia: your gonna have to wait

Ross: that's fine by me

Maia: I can't believe proms tomorrow

Ross: me neither...

Maia: you know... I wonder how our lives are going to be... when the baby comes...

I can, its not going to be how I pictured it, I'm not going to be with the girl I love!

Ross: me too, have you thought of some names?

Maia: well if it's a girl I was thinking of Savannah...or not sure yet it's a thinking process

Ross: what about for a boy?

Maia: Mark

Ross: like my dad

Maia: yeah

Ross smiled

Ross: Mark lynch jr.

Maia giggled

Rydels pov

Ell and I were in the living room stuffing our faces with my famous brownies

Ratliff: come on rydel!!

I giggled and shock my head

Rydel: nope

Ratliff: please!! you have to

Rydel: beg all you want, your not gonna get it!!

Ratliff: then I'll make a machine to tell me it's ingredients

Rydel: ha, good luck...your gonna need it

Ratliff: thanks...i think

Rydel: -laughs- so how is it going with you and kelly?

Ratliff: not so good actually...

Rydel: why?

Ratliff: I don't know, I guess we're growing apart

Rydel: I'm sorry

Ratliff: it's ok, it feels good to talk about it, you know, since I don't have anyone to talk with, well about this...

Rydel: hey ell, you know you can trust me... you know I'll always be there for you

Ratliff: thanks delly

Ratliff smiled so did I

Rydel: so how good are my brownies?

Ratliff: they are amazing! maybe better then Kelly's

Rydel: hey! I like Kelly's brownies!!

Ratliff: me too, their delicious!!

We laughed and kept talking about random stuff, it's good to have a friend like Ratliff, it's not easy finding a guy like him

Rockys pov

I decided to take Marie out so that we could get to know each other, since we just meant and we're going to prom together, I guess we should be getting to know each other, we were eating frozen yogurt and taking a walk in the park

Rocky: ok favorite color

Marie: I told you guys yesterday

Rocky: oh did

Marie giggled

Rocky: favorite show

Marie: ok I have a lot! but I'm only gonna name the top 3 I like

Rocky: ok

Marie: "the walking dead", "the vampire diaries", and "switched at birth"

Rocky: no way! I like the walking dead to!

Marie: omg! yes! I like Carl...hes different

Rocky: nah I like Daryl

Marie: he's cool but Carl's better

Rocky: you did not just say that!

Marie: oh I did

Rocky: hmmm, just wait

Marie laughed

Marie: my turn... Whats your favorite band

Rocky: ohhh... I'm not sure

Marie: you don't know what your favorite band is

Rocky: nope, what about yours

Marie: neon trees

Rocky: their cool

Marie: no their awesome!

I laughed

Rocky: my turn, have you heard of our band

Marie: no

Rocky: what!?

Marie: sorry no

Rocky: your friends with Maia, and Maia is dating Ross how do you not know R5

Marie: -laughs- I don't know your band

Rocky: -gasps- how are we friends

Marie laughed then shrugged

We kept talking until our yogurt ran out then we went home. when we got there everyone was there Laura, Riker, Ross, Maia , Rydel, Ellington, and kelly

Rocky: hey guys!!

Marie: who's ready for prom?!

Everyone cheered it was 8:45

Marie: tomorrow we have to go to the salon gals

The girls smiled can't wait till tomorrow, it's going to be the best day of my life

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