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The night at LIT passed by in a blur. The morning after, hungover and miserable, I remembered the words I left Jongin and Jisoo with. For about five minutes I went back and forth about how much of an idiot I am.

"Let's just be glad I didn't say anything that would catch us all off guard."

I couldn't even imagine what they could possibly be thinking. But then the minutes after, I felt glad that I even confronted them. It was something that I needed to get off of my chest. Not necessarily towards Jongin but towards Jisoo.

I told myself I didn't blame her for choosing Jongin. But maybe I was lying to myself about that too.

God, there was so much shit I was lying about.

I took a step as the line in my favorite café moved. I offered to go grab everyone at the office drinks mostly because I needed some air after the call I got from Naeun this morning.

Doyeon's head slipped through the door crack. She looks a bit confused but intrigued too. "Sorry to bother you but Naeun Son is on line three for you?"

My fingers tapping away at the keyboard pause and I look up at my assistant.

"I thought it was a prank but then I remembered that you get calls from Kwon Jiyong, so I shouldn't be very surprised."

I briefly glance at the phone on my desk. "Alright thanks Doyeon." I watch her as she simply nods and leaves, shutting the door behind her.

I stare at the phone for a few seconds. I watch as the green lights blink repeatedly on the number three. She told me she would call but that was also a week ago since she said that, so I thought-I hoped that maybe she forgot.

Clearly she did not.

I take in a deep breath, let it out, pick up the phone and press three. "Hi, this is Jennie Kim speaking."

"Jennie? Hi! It's Naeun."

"Naeun, hey." I breathe out. "How are you?"

"I'm great. How are you?" She asks.

I'm currently regretting every life choice I made in the past three years, Naeun. "I'm good."

"I'm sorry it took me so long to call. I've been so busy with work. Plus, Jongin and I have been finalizing things on the apartment we chose." She laughs a little and I cringe. "God, it's a beautiful three bedroom penthouse. The view is amazing. Oh, you'll have to see it when you come by?"

When I come by? I almost feel dizzy at the thought of me in Jongin's new apartment that he shares with his fiancé.

"Congratulations!" I fake my excitement. "Can't wait to see it!"

We stayed on the phone for thirty more minutes after that but thankfully it was about work. She had a certain look she was going for and needed help finding pieces for the walls in their penthouse. She suggested I come by and see the space for myself before I choose anything. Again, I stupidly agree.

The call ended with a cheerful goodbye from Naeun and hopes to see me soon. I grabbed my coat and bag, slipped past Doyeon & Seulgi, mumbling that I'll go get us some coffee and now here I am.

I sighed taking another step until I reached the counter. "Hi there, what can I get for you?"

"Can I please have two lattes and..the caramel frosty thing?"

The girl behind the counter giggles. "A Caramel Frappuccino?"

"I think so." I nod.

"Coming right up." She says, tapping on the screen. "That'll be $12.63."

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