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When I woke up, groaning and regretting all of my decisions from the day before, the call took about five minutes to catch up with me. I stood in my bathroom, staring into the mirror with a horrified expression.

I nearly swore of alcohol right then and there.

Why did you kiss someone?

I mean, really? What the fuck was I thinking?

So, naturally, for the next few days I make it a mission to avoid any confrontation involving Jongin. I made Seulgi take the calls from Naeun—"Jennie has been really busy these past few days. She wanted me to tell you she'll try to get back to you as soon as possible." I came up with a passable excuse to avoid meeting Lisa for lunch. The minute the call ended, I felt horrible and I only hoped she couldn't sense any dishonesty.

"So, what happened?" Seulgi says as she plants herself down right in front me.

My desk is a mess. My half-eaten sandwich from lunch hasn't been touched in two hours. Files from The Kyoto: Capital of Artistic Imagination Exhibition we're sprawled out across the wooden table. Even the vase of roses that Mary-Ann had delivered we're sitting in the chaos of it all.

"I called Jongin when I was drunk and asked him why he kissed someone." I saw no reason to beat around the bush. Seulgi wouldn't leave until I told her what was bothering me. If she was going to lie in my name, I suppose she should know the reason why.

"I thought we've been over this." Seulgi sighs dramatically.  "You don't get drunk alone. Especially when you're riding a wave of emotions. You call either Rosie or I for moral support."

"If it counts, I texted Rosie almost immediately after I called him." I groan and finally look away from the laptop, closing it shut.

"What did he say?"

"I didn't give him a chance to answer."

Seulgi nods. Next, she's quick with her movement as she reaches for the phone on my desk and dials a number. It takes two rings for Rosie's voice to emit through the speaker.

"Please don't tell me you got drunk again." Is the first thing she says.

"I've sworn off alcohol." I told her.

"Well, that's just boring isn't it?" Rosie whispers into the phone. "Hi! Welcome! Need help with anything?. . .alright, let me know if you do."

"I'm confused about something." Selgui says, tapping her chin. "You asked him why he kissed someone? Are you talking about Naeun?—because sorry to break it to you Jen, I think they've done more than kissing."

"Seul?" Rosie calls on the line. "You're not helping."

"I..I wasn't talking about Naeun."


"Where the hell is it?" I whispered.

I'm already running late but the outfit won't look complete without the black stockings. I could've sworn I placed them in the top drawer but after rummaging through every top drawer, they weren't there.

A groan falls from my lips at the same time my phone starts buzzing on my side table. I trip over my feet as I reach for it. "Hello?" I answer. Slightly out of breath.

"Where the hell are you?" Jisoo whispers into the phone. "Jongin goes up in thirty minutes and you're not even here yet."

"I can't find my fucking stockings."

"Stockings?" She repeats. "Fuck the stockings and get your ass down here right now!"

"After I find the stockings." I mumble. I rush over to Jongin's side of our bedroom and pull open his drawers, hoping I might have misplaced them inside one of his.

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