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At some point, I knew I had to stop ignoring Naeun.

So, I called her first thing this morning and let her know I 'finally' had some time if she wasn't too busy. She was ecstatic. She started rambling about the universe and how perfect it's timing always was. I hummed in response before she extended an invitation to their new apartment around two o'clock.

In this past few weeks, I often found myself wondering if I enjoyed torture. Because no one in their right mind would gladly accept a job where you might run into an ex that you are still in love with.

I groaned softly to myself as I handed the taxi driver his pay and disgruntledly shuffled out of the cab. The cool wind blew against the scarf around my neck as I gazed up at the tall apartment building in front of me. I blinked slowly, tapping my foot against the pavement and trying to build my courage.

I gripped the bag around my shoulder and moved forward. The doorman was already holding the door open for me as I approached.

"Ma'am." He wore a friendly smile.

"Hi." I nod a little. "Naeun Son, she should be expecting me?"

"Ah, yes. Are you Miss Jennie Kim?"

"I am."

"Right this way." He signals me towards the elevators. "It's floor twenty-two, apartment D41."

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Have a good day Miss Kim."

"You too...Mr. Doorman." He smiles at my response and waves once the elevator doors shut close.

I let out a deep breath and looked at the numbers on the side panel. Floor twenty-two is the second to last floor. I press the button and take a step back to lean against the wall. I could do this. It's no big deal. Will it hurt my already bruised heart? Totally. But still, I got this.

The number gets higher by the second and I allow myself plenty of deep breaths. I step out of the elevator, glancing at the panel on the wall. Apartment D41 would be to my right. I warily take a few steps further, stopping a few times to remind myself that I got this and then I'm taking another few steps.

I squint at D41 on the wooden door before looking down at the welcoming mat on the floor. It looks brand new. I mean of course it's brand new, something new to match their brand new apartment together.

I almost roll my eyes at myself. Get it together Jennie. The sooner you get in there, the sooner this is over with.

I pressed the doorbell before I could change my mind. I nervously tap my heels against the floor. I hear Naeun's familiar voice yell 'coming!'. I glance at the ceiling, asking whoever's up there for a little strength.

The door swings open and Naeun's stands there with that friendly smile. Again, I have to wonder if she knows of Jongin's and I's past with the way she always greets me. I really don't think she does.

"Jennie! It's so good to see you again!" Yeah. She definitely doesn't know.

"It's good to see you too Naeun." I smile. She goes in for a hug and I return it. As much as the worst part of me wants to hate her, I can't. "How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm so happy you called me this morning. This is the only free day I've had in a few weeks."

"Like you said, it's the universe." I wave my hand around awkwardly.

"Exactly." She giggles. "Come in, come in. I was just sorting through some things. The movers brought some stuff over from Jongin's apartment this morning. That's all I've been doing."

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