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It was Saturday morning and for almost an hour I laid in my bed, listening to the sound of some Jazz station I found as I was flipping through the radio.

After such a successful night and probably a few glasses too much champagne—I decided I was going to lay in bed as long as possible until I was forced to get up; most likely to use the bathroom or eventually feed myself. Unfortunately the plans I had to waste away in bed were interrupted by the insistent knocking at my front door.

I was almost positive that I wasn't expecting anybody but by the sound of the knocks and how repeatedly they sounded, I briefly wondered if something was wrong.

I was confused when I opened the door to find Rosie and Lisa standing outside and I felt my face contort in confusion as I looked at them expectedly. "What are you guys doing here? Did we make plans that I—"

"Why aren't you answering your freaking phone?!" Rosie slightly yells as she shoves her way into my apartment.

I frown at her tone. "I forgot to plug it in last night. What's going on?"

I look at Lisa who looks to be hesitating before she opens her mouth. "We've been trying to call you all morning." She sighs and I instantly notice the way she nervously bites at her lip.

"Okay..why?" I slowly say as I close the door behind me.

I closely watch the both of them as they briefly share a worried glance before looking at me again. Neither of them open their mouths to say anything and the longer I stand there, the more anxious I get. What hell am I missing here?

"Jongin is pretty well known, wouldn't you say?"

Lisa's question leaves me perplexed. "What?"

"He's known to the public, right? Especially after his engagement with Naeun was announced." She then says and briefly looks at Rosie for what I think is assistance.

"Sure." I nod. "But I don't understand...why are we talking about Jongin's status?"

"Um..last night I guess someone must have snapped a few pictures of the two of you together at the exhibit." It's Rosie who speaks next and usually, I find her pretty easy to read with how close we are but I can't even begin to figure out what was going on inside her head. "And this morning an article was posted about you two."

"About Jongin and I?"

The both of them nod and share yet another look.

Lisa takes the lead again as she takes a step forward. "I think whoever took the pictures of you guys must have done a little research on who you were and the article said when they cross-referenced your names...a certain..certificate showed up."

"What? What do you mean by a certificate? What kind of certificate?" The questions rush out of my mouth because I genuinely have no idea what the hell they could possibly be talking about.

"It's a marriage certificate." Rosie finally says.

There's a long moment of silence in the space of my apartment. Aside from the soft tune of Jazz still playing in my bedroom and the car horns blowing outside, nothing else is said between the three of us because they're waiting for my reaction.

The first thing that comes to mind for me is to shake my head which is then followed by a giggle of disbelief that falls past my lips. I look at both of them and wait for another long moment. I wait for either of them to tell me that this is a joke but they both just stare at me with pitied looks.

I scoff. "That's not possible." I say, shaking my head. "Who the fuck posted the article? I'll call them and-"

Before I could even finish what I was about to say, Lisa interrupted me. "The certificate was issued in Las Vegas...at the exact date all of us were there."

My mind immediately reels back to Las Vegas which was a blurry trip that I could hardly remember till this very day. After Lisa's non stop begging for weeks, I finally caved in and decided to go on the trip with everyone. I spent most of my time with Chanyeol, sneaking off to the different clubs and avoiding Jongin and Jisoo at all costs. So, how the fuck did we end up married?

"There has to be a mistake." I manage to say, swallowing down the heavy lump forming in my throat. "Jongin and I...we didn't even speak to each other on that trip."

"I said the same thing but..sadly there's a picture too."

My eyes widened in panic. "What picture?!"

Rosie's face falls as she pulls her phone from her back pocket. I watch her quietly as her finger slides across the screen for a few seconds before she hands me her phone.

I actually hesitatebefore taking it and once I finally looked down, my heart dramatically dropped at the clear picture of Jongin and I wrapped up in each other's arms holding a 'Just Married' banner. His mouth is kissing my head and one of my arms is wrapped around his torso. By the way my make-up is smudged and his hair is clearly all over the place, it's easy to guess what we were drunk out of our minds.

All we did was share a two minute conversation at most and somehow that turned into me finding out we did something incredibly careless two years ago with the help of what I could only guess was plenty of alcohol.

My eyes warily glance up to look at the both of them, taking in their pitied looks and trying my best to keep the tears that were forming in my eyes from falling.


It was only two months ago that Jongin Kim and Naeun Son took the Internet by storm when they announced they were engaged. The couple even posed for GQ magazine, embedded in a bed of flowers and cozied up in each other's arms.

But as of just a few hours ago, it's come to our attention that Jongin Kim is already married.

After spotted last night at an exclusive exhibit held by The Metropolitan Museum of Art with a certain woman, our sources did some digging and discovered the woman photographed is the museum's own Art Curator who goes by Jennie Kim who also happened to be the brains behind the whole exhibit.

But that isn't where it ends! After cross referencing both names, sitting for almost two years now on a Las Vegas wedding website is a marriage certificate dedicated to the two! It even comes with an adorable photo of the two celebrating their new matrimony!

Do you think Naeun knew that her beloved Jongin Kim already belonged to an other woman? And here we thought Mr. Jongin Kim was actually a decent man, little did we know he was a half-successful two timer!


Lol, hi!


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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