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I nervously chew on my lip as I stare into the mirror. I've been standing here for about five minutes now asking myself if this dress is appropriate.

It's Baekhyun's birthday and he's having a little party at his place. But knowing Baekhyun, 'little' means the complete opposite. He called me last week to extend an invitation, and also made me promise to bring Rosie too. He hung up before I could even try to question anything.

I sigh and I fluff my hair, trying to create the perfect bounce. I roll my lips together to even out the red lipstick. I swipe beneath my eyes to clear any excess I might have missed.

"Wow." Rosie whistles. "I can't remember the last time I saw you in a dress."

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure I was wearing a dress when we went to that club."

"Not a dress like that."

The dress is more on the revealing side. The backside is naked, reaching the very edge of my hips and hugging my thighs until it stops just above my knees. Honestly, it's like second skin.

"Do...you think it's too much?" I frown and stare at the dress again. "Maybe I should change."

"Don't you dare." Rosie scolds me playfully. I watch her quietly as she leans over the counter to fix lipstick. I think she catches my wary gaze in the mirror. "It's not too late to stay home."

I didn't have to say anything for Rosie to detect my sense of hesitation. I didn't tell her about how my meeting with Naeun went two days ago. Or how I felt like the biggest fraud, listening to her go on and on about her and Jongin. Or how I nearly lost my footing the second I spotted the Warhol in Naeun's hands.

"Do you think Naeun knows about Jongin and I's past?"

Rosie stops what she's doing to look at me. Confusion dancing around in her eyes.

"I mean if I was your fiancé's ex girlfriend, I feel like there would be a little animosity between us."

"Do you want her to hate you?"

I shrug. "I feel like it would make things easier. If she was mean and not so...perfect."

Rosie hums in response. She's quiet for a short moment before she speaks again. "Did something happen when you went over to...their place."

I ignore the hesitation in her words and I think about her question. Nothing happened, at least not on their end. I mean, maybe not even on my end too. Maybe I'm just being dramatic.

I laugh a little, shaking my head. When in doubt, play everything off as a joke. "It's nothing really. I think I was just shocked that he kept the Warhol piece." I say. I turn around, walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

"What Warhol piece?"

"The Warhol piece I gave him on his 23rd birthday."

"Okay." Rosie nods. "It's Andy Warhol. Did you expect him to throw it away?"

"Maybe not throw it away..." I frown a little. "But I didn't think he'd like....keep it around. Anyways, enough of this conversation. Are you ready? Baekhyun's soiree started like an hour ago."

"Way to change the subject." She rolls her eyes. She breezes past me and into the living room. "But yes, I'm ready."

"You know, I'm kind of surprised you agreed to come with me."

"To be honest, Lisa invited me and she's too sweet to say no to." Rosie sighs. "And I was hoping I'd see your big eared friend again."

"Chanyeol?" I ask in surprise. I gather out coats and hold one out to her.

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