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Ah yes, sketti. Italy loved pasghetti spaghetti, but it was so hard to come by in this nevereneding world that suffered death. Everyone ded. This meant no more skeet skeets and no more sauswages.

America said "hecc this place" and bombed za worldo, but or some ungodly reason, Ita survived the blast. Now he must restore what once was by creating the perfect sghetti. It had to be so perfect that it'll will raise the deaded.

"Yes, I shall get to work right away afer my midday napp," Itary said as he yawned the sleepiness into his body. He was only awake for maybe an hour before this. It was tiring trying to save the world, I guess. So he introduced himself to sleep and then slooped goodly. A good pasta man has to be well rested to save people's tastebuds. After all, it has been hostorically know that the Italians saved the 'Mericans from falling into a complete pit of dispare since their food was just so awful, so Italy created pasta and said "yes, take this, my child, and live a good life" and boom, America was saved once again from his own destruction.

That is true facts, don't look it up.

After dreaming a dream that was so dreamy it made Italy dream, he awoke like a God from his own ashes and got to work. He collected his knowledge of good food, random radiated spices from the ground, and a single tomate that was half eaten by Italy himself. A good pasta man must also have a stomachc full of tomatoes to cook.

Ita wringed his hands and boom, there were noods. That's right, another known fact is that Italians sweat pasta. That is also very true, no need to ask the Googs.

Italia worked day and night, many moon cycles (even though it looked like the sun was out all the time because it never got dark enough to see the stars) to create something beautiful. Once the heated pasta wafted through the air as a scent, man groans were heard from underneath the earth. The dirt grew restless, the air was disturbed, and suddenly, there were many hands rising to reach the sky. Many, many dirty hands came inching out of the ground, and eventually, a couple familiar faces were in motion again. They sniffed the air and all rose from their resting places.

"Man, being dead kinda sucks, ngl," America exclaimed the moment he was free from the grip of the reaper.

"America, you do not use abreviations in actual speech," was the first thing out of Britain's facehole when he awokened.

"Shut up, old dude, you're just afraid of progression," American returned fire.

Britain rolled his one eye because the other one was missing. It was spookifying.

Italy was no phased by thi development because he was familiar with necromancy. The powerful effect of pasta was also no stranger to raising the dead.

Everyone was happy and full of pasta by the end of the day (if there ever was one. Nobody was really sure at this point).

And that's the strory of how carbonara was created and saved the world from 2020. Everybody say "thank you, Italy!"

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