Chipper 11.246

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Guten tag. Today my name is Prussia. I am going to tell you a tail of a scarry gost by the name of Prussia.
Be warned; this is not a tail for the faint of hart. Be warned.

Paint it balck. That's wot was painted on the world one day. It was a bad day. Quite the bad day. So many bad things happened that day. It was bad. It was those gosh dang 2ps.

They were a vr danger gang that make bad tings happen. Since their souls of soulness were corrupt, they had to make every other souls of soulness corrpt. It was like a pyramid scheme in some sense. You know, like those ones they tell you about in your financhal lite class.

So anyway they went to the state capital of Monaco and kidnapped Monaco to kidnap and harrassment. Then two pee Italy shot me and painted black acrylic on my face and went

"hA! You've been ZhOT!! DED!!!!!" he went

U c, Itary was not very gud at insulting the soulness of souls. 2 pee or not 2 pee Murica had to remind ity that za worldo was basically under their not so green thumbs and that good insults were necessary to keep the population in check.

So, to appease the great Murican gods of evil, two pees Italy shouted into a sound system that magically appeared and shouted "u r all stinks!"

And the world was so dark, it was dark and everyone's eyes didn't work so their ears were like "don't worry, boo, Ill just over compensate for your lack of effectiveness and get super hearing turned on."

So when 2peep Ita shouted sound, it destroyed everyone's ear balls.

Step 7 initiated. It was the end of the world as everyone know. It was time for the too peas to take over and paint buildings black. The builkdings soaked in so much heet from the sun that the world started fo global warm...!!

"Is not this a bad idea?" asked 2pp Englbrows as he silently slipping a crunchy muffin into John's mouth.

Italy, the ringleader, or should I say, mafea leeder, gazed out into the flames that began to surround the buildings of Eaetb.

"hA! No, this is the most wunderful idea Ive ever had!!" he said.

German man cleared his manly throat. "Da, mister Ittle is right."

"I think you must not have very bright if this is the most wunderful idear you've ever had, Eye-taly-" was what Iggyland started with but was shot before be could actualky Finnish.

"yOU DO nOt DISREsPECT yOUr LeAdER LIKE tHAT!!" Italy screamed, lowering his steamy gun. "hA! That'll learn him"

"Mister Ita, yir ideas are arways amazing," 2peep Ja-pan nodded from a very distant distance. This sparked such a rage in Ita that he raged hard and shot Jpn as eell.

"HOw dARe yoU diSRespeCy  me!!!"

And then the world exploded.

Your probably wondering how I am alive to tell the tail. I'm not. I'm a ghost u stoopid but I was actually already dead actually lol

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