♡︎chapter 2 - fight♡︎

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TWs: sleep deprivation, blood
Stan's POV:
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So uhhh..maybe I am gay, but I can't break up with Wendy over it.

I'm terrified of that. I love Wendy, but..it's not like I'd date her. It's more platonic for me.

Kyle's POV:
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My mom is going to MURDER me!! I failed my big math test and I'm already in pre-algebra. How stupid could I be?!?

I got a 37 on the test. A 37. I'm so stupid and ugly!! This is why my mom doesn't love me. I'm just going to pull an all nighter to study I guess.

I never pull an all nighter for things that aren't school related. Yeah, my eyes end up blood shot, I have bags under them, and my hands shake. But it's all for a good grade.

I have straight a's. I'm just under pressure, because I need to be perfect.

I'm in the cafeteria right now, sitting with Stan, Kenny, and the fatass, Cartman. I don't really feel that hungry, maybe it's because I just failed a test, and I feel like a disappointment.

Or maybe it's because I have a massive crush on my super best friend, and he most definitely doesn't like me back.

I'm at the top of the class, all a's, I always turn in my homework, I always focus, and it's all because I NEED good grades.

Suddenly, someone taps on my shoulder, I must've been zoned out. I look over and it's Kenny. "Are you going to eat the rest of your pizza?" He asks. I know he's poor, and I didn't wanna be mean so I reply. "Uhh, probably not, you can have it."

He gives me a toothy grin, then eats it. He spends all his money on his little sisters lunch money, and he usually can't eat anything, but sometimes Butters, Stan, or I will give him something.

Stan and I were laughing at Cartman. He got 6 pieces of pizza, and 3 bags of cheesy poofs. What the hell?!!

I can feel my face getting hot. He's so adorable when he laughs. I wish I could confess. But he's dating Wendy.

3rd Person POV:
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Deep down Stan and Kyle both knew they liked each other. They were just too scared to admit it.

"Ay stupid Jew! Watcha looking at!!" Cartman screams. His voice was loud, and weird. He mumbles something that nobody else could heard, except Kyle. The statement Cartman said must've really pissed him off, because Kyle snapped.


Cartman and Kyle were fighting. Kyle was slapping, punching and kicking him. Cartman was attempting to fight back, but in the end, Kyle ended up with a black eye, a sprained wrist and a bloody nose. Cartman on the other hand, had a black eye as well, but his nose was broken.

The whole cafeteria went silent. Stan taps Kyle's shoulder and gives him a weak smile. Cartman tells on him to a teacher. Then through the announcements, he hears: "Kyle Broflovski to the principals office"

He nervously gulps.

Kyle's POV:
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Shit. My mom is literally going to kill me. First, I fail a test, then I get in a fight. I'm going to get suspended!!

Maybe I'm an idiot for fighting Cartman. But I walk to the office and sit down. "So why'd you fight Eric?"
"U-Um..I-I...because he's a bitch?.."
"Well that's not a good enough reason. We will be calling your parents."
"P-please no i'm begging. Please!"
"No. You have detention for 2 weeks."

The principal calls my parents. I'm so scared. "You can tell them what you did, or I will." I slowly pick up the phone.
"Hi mom.."
"What did you do?!? Mr you are going to be in big trouble!"
"So I got in a fight with Cartman.."
"Kyle Broflovski. I taught you better. Your grounded."
"No buts. Goodbye."
She hangs up on me. I can't believe this. I'm grounded?!? Oh no.
"Next time Kyle, don't fight him. Now go to the nurses office, I don't think I can trust you, so I'm calling Stan to the office with you."

At least I get to talk to Stan. He walks into the office, thinking he was in trouble. It's kind of cute to see him all flustered and nervous.

"Stanley, could you walk Kyle to the nurses office?"
He nods. I was on the verge of tears. I'm such a baby. I'm mainly like this because I'm worried. My mom is going to kill me.

"Hey dude, it's going to be okay. Cartman is a bitch, and people don't notice that. Your my super best friend."
I smile, but it fades when I hear the word friend.

I want to be his boyfriend.

Stan stayed in the nurses office with me, as i was getting ice, and wiping the blood off my nose.

Stan was sitting with me, trying to reassure me. I never understood why he was so nice to me. Ive snapped at him over 30 times, but he still manages to somehow be nice to me.

I decided to stay in the nurses office for the next period too, but Stan left to go to class this time. Which was okay.

I finally chose to go to class, it was extremely boring, but it finally ended. My mom picked me up and I had to give her my phone. I was grounded, and there was no stopping it.

So here I am, 15 years old, getting into a fight with my childhood best friend, and grounded by my mom. I really want to see Stan. That's what I hate about being grounded. I can't see my super best friend, who I have a crush on. Getting grounded is a normal punishment. But not for me.

When I'm grounded, my mom gets extremely angry. She practically ignores me. Sometimes she forgets to feed me. But then..I got an idea!

I didn't want to drag this chapter out, sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger!! Thank you for 8 reads, I know it's not a lot but thank you!
Word count: 1068
Time: 3 hours

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