♡︎chapter 3 - sneaking out♡︎

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TW self harm, crying,
(This is going to be a long chapter, bare with me! Probably going to be 1500 or more words! <333 also this is a fluff and angst chapter!)
Kyle's POV:
I was sitting in my room, at 1am, doing school. Usually this is when I'd be texting Stan, but I can't do that right now.

So I decided to send an email, as if that's any better. Maybe he'll see it. I really hope he sees it. I miss him a lot! And I really want to see him

I know it's stupid, but I've fallen SO hard for Stan Marsh. He makes me happier than anyone could ever make me, I just wish he felt the same way. In 2 weeks I'm going to confess though!!!

I look for his email, I finally find it, then I begin to type it out.

Hey Stan,
Would you like to sneak out with me? Usually I wouldn't ask this, but I'm grounded, so how much more trouble can I get in, like what's she going to do? Take my phone?? Anyways, If so, respond to this with a 👍 and meet me at Stark's Pond at 2am sharp! <33

Your super best friend,
Kyle B

Am I really even his super best friend?? What if he hates me. Stan is good at hiding things like that.. So i hope he's not faking it. Eh..I'll just send it. I wait for a few minutes, maybe like..30 minutes. But I finally get a response! YES!!

He probably doesn't know that I'm grounded, wait I put it in the email! I'm such a dumbass.

Hi Kyle!!
Of course I'd love too! Why are you up so late? You know that's not that good for you :((, Anyways 👍

Your super best friend,
Stan M

Okay. So I have 30 minutes to get ready. I throw on a grey oversized sweatshirt, some black sweatpants, and white converse. I brush my hair and style it, it'll look good for Stan. Of course I put my hat on. My hair is DISGUSTING.

As I got older, I grew, so my hat is a bit small, so you can see my hair, but that's okay, I wear it every day, and I just hope he doesn't make fun of my hair. I check the time..2:45? IM GONNA BE LATE!!

I climb out my windows, and run down the street, giggling, it's always so fun to run down the street like that. I don't have a care in the world. It makes me happy!


I had almost lost my breath by now, I was breathing a bit heavy, but I made it to Stark's Pond. Stan was sitting on the bench, playing on his phone, probably scrolling through instagram or some shit, waiting for me.
"Hey dude!" I say."
"Oh hey Kyle!!!"
"Let's do something. What if we...hmmm...shall we run around town until sunrise? Then I'll run home before my mom wakes up!!" I say, I know that's a stupid idea, but I'm stupid, and Stan loves stupid ideas.

"Okay, Bet."

I was so excited. I love him so much, and couples often watch the sunrise together! I know we are just friends, and that's why I was excited. I got to do couple related shit with my crush.

We grab each other's hands, and sprint through town, giggling. Nobody was awake, except for Kenny, who lived on the other side of town, so we had no worries.

"OH MY GOD YEAH!" He replies.

"HAHA! YEAH!! WEEEEE!!!!! WE'RE GOING SO FASTTTT!!!" Stan says, he's so adorable.

Stan's POV:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Kyle and I are running down the street. It's so fun!! He's so cute. The streetlights, that have cameras in them, were shining down on us. This couldn't be anymore fun.

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