♡︎chapter 7 - she didnt care.♡︎

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tw: mentions of suicide
guess what, another stan chapter- i'm sorry for so many of these chapters directly focused on him, their really fun to write!
Third Person POV:
So there Stan and Kyle were, sitting in a hospital bed because Stan tried to commit suicide.

Both Stan and Kyle knew it was bad timing to have a bonding moment, but neither of them cared.

They sat there, to be honest Stan had been feeling a bit melancholy in the hospital, after he woke up, and Kyle helped relieve that feeling.

The doctors rushed in, to assure that Stan was actually awake and alive, which he was.

"He's alive!!!!"

One of the doctors exclaims.

"Excuse me sir, but could you get off of the hospital bed?"

He asks, Kyle gets up. The doctors check on Stan, to make sure he's breathing properly, and that nothing was wrong.

He seemed to be just fine, although he did have lots of injuries.

He was breathing correctly, and wasn't doing anything off, which confused Kyle on why they were doing so many tests and shit.

"He can leave tomorrow."

Kyle's jaw drops, originally he was going to have to wait another day, and he was so excited to see him. Everybody at school had been worrying.

Stan had been in a coma for 3 days, and even Cartman was worried. He was the biggest bitch in school, but somehow he worried.

Wendy didn't visit Stan, not once. She didn't ask how he was, and he wasn't the least of her concern.

Yeah, she was nice, but she wasn't empathetic, or sympathetic. She didn't ever even care about Stan.

She was in love with the affection he gave her, the kisses, the hugs, the smiles in the hallway. Not the boy himself.

She liked the idea of a relationship. Stan still hadn't realized that yet, and that Kyle loved Stan more.

Kyle had sat in that hospital room for 3 days straight, not even doing school, something he deeply cared about. He found Stan more important.

He didn't sleep. Not once. He stayed up for that whole 3 days. He couldn't let Stan die on him, and one morning he didn't want to wake up, and Stan to be gone.

So he sat there. When he heard the news about Stan in the hospital, he went INSANE. He rushed to the hospital at 1am, and didn't leave the hospital, instead called his mom and told her what happened.

~flashback to what happened~

"Mom?.." Kyle says, his voice quivering and wobbling in fear for Stan.
"Yes? Why are you out this late young man?"
"I-I can explain."
"Okay, it better be quick"

"Stan is in the hospital, they think he might..die.."
"Oh..Okay bubbalah. Please come home soon though."

~flashback end~
The thought of Stan actually dying made Kyle's stomach churn. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Stan looked over at him and said...

"Dude..who else came into the hospital room?.."
"Um..Kenny came and left you flowers..Butters came and was a bit worried..I stayed here for the whole 3 days."

"Did Wendy come?..or even say anything"
"You stayed here for the whole 3 days?!?"
"Did you sleep?!?"
"You really care dude.."
"Yeah..I guess you could say that.."

Stan smiles, but it slowly fades.

"So Wendy didn't care at all?.."
"She really doesn't love me. It's not fair Kyle!!"

Stan raised his voice.

"Please calm down..you don't want to hurt yourself on accident."

Kyle says, a weak smile of sympathy planted on his face.

He worried about Stan, and because of the incident he started to worry more.

Stan had always been depressed. That didn't change as they went through other grades, as he began to form an alcohol addiction.

Stan and Kyle both kept their secrets. Kyle had lots, which even though Stan was his best friend, he would never admit to him.

Stan was the same way. They both liked each other, so they both kept that secret. Kyle knew that his mom would be supportive, and his dad wouldn't, so he just kept it to himself.

Stan was going to be hospitalized for a while, after his attempt

another short chapter because it's a sequel to the last one! ty for reading <3
time: 3 days (ive been rlly unproductive)

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