♡︎chapter 4 - creek♡︎

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TWs: slurs
Kyle's POV:
Ive come to the conclusion that I'm gay. I'm learning to accept myself for it, even though it's hard. I'm just scared that my family won't accept me.

I don't really like girls, I never have. I faked most of my crushes when I was younger. So I'm not really too surprised. I haven't told anybody yet, because I'm a bit nervous.

I need help though, to ask Stan out. I love him, and he's my everything, but I don't really think I'm his..so maybe I can get advice from the only other gay couple in our school, Tweek and Craig?

Then I'll be able to be more confident coming out, and talking to Stan!! They probably have advice. Score for Kyle!!

Tweek and Craig are very different people, so their reactions are going to be pretty different. If I asked for help Tweek would panic, and Craig would try, but then he'd get mad.

Asking him out is going to be really tough, and asking Tweek and Craig is going to be even harder.

But..I know I can do it!!

I love Stan though, and I need a plan, so this is the only way to go. I didn't want to speak with them personally. But...I kinda had too. God I'm such a faggot.

I'm walking towards them, and I slip them a note.

Hey Tweek and Craig!
I need help, please meet me in the school bathroom during lunch :))

Craig's POV:
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Tweek and I were walking and suddenly Kyle passed us a note. Kyle? I haven't talked to him in YEARSSS.

I found him annoying, but I still read it.
Hey Tweek and Craig!
I need help, please meet me in the school bathroom during lunch :))

It read. I look over at Tweek, and show him it. He seemed surprised
"Gah! Why does he need us??!?? What if he bullies me?!? C-Craig! I'm scared.."
Tweek says to me.
"Babe, trust me on this one, if Kyle wanted to bully you, he would've already. And if he does, I'll beat his ass for you. I mean, you are pretty strong, but I'll help!"
I reply, hoping he calms down.


I could tell he was scared shitless by the expression on his face, which worried me, because I love him, I could get lost in his eyes. So I give him a little kiss as we walk off, which seemed to calm him down enough for him to walk straight.

Kyle's POV:
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I really hope they read it, it seems as if they did. I don't know though. I run up to Stan, Kenny, and Butters.

"Hey guys!!"
"Hey Kyle."
"Hi Kyle!! :))"
"Hiya fella :))"
Kenny, Stan, and Butters say to me.

I smile, and hug Stan, we usually do that. Hugs are normal for best friends, but I've gotten called gay for it about 20 times.

Maybe that's an understatement. So Ive been called gay..a lot. And I am gay, but from what I know, Stan isn't.

Lunch Time

I sit in the bathroom, and wait for Tweek and Craig. They finally arrive after what feels like forever. I just want to get this over with.

"Hey guys!"
"Hi. What the fuck do you want?"

I just start explaining, maybe a few tears falling. I'm not a pussy though, so let's pretend that never happened.

"Okay so I may or may not have a crush on Stan and I know he probably doesn't like me back, but I need a way to ask him out because I'm desperate, and I love him, and I just want to be able to confess to him, because I'm not a pussy. I know I like him and last night when we were hanging out at like 2am we danced in the snow and just laughed and it felt out of a movie; HOW DO I ASK HIM?!?"

Craig and Tweek's jaws DROP.
"You like Stan?!? Stan Marsh?"
Craig says, in a shocked tone. I weakly smile and nod.

Craig and Tweek look at each other, and smirk, as if they had an idea.

"Wait..gah!..I have a-an idea!!" Tweek says, smiling.
"Wait till Wendy leaves him! Then ask h-him to sneak out with you, and then boom!! ask him then!"

Craig nods a long, seeming to be in on it.
"Dude I know we aren't friends, but I guess we'll help. Tweek has a good point. Meet us here every day during lunch to discuss it. Then I'm out."

He walks off, flipping me off, I walk off as well after a minute of giggling about how excited I was with the delightful news I had just received.

I'm going to date Stan Marsh!! YES!!

I do one of those weird fist pumps in the air. Then I proceed to walk out, I just hope he likes me back, I really do.

Thinking back on it, I remember how fun last night was.

Just having a good time with Stan was really all I needed. I feel much more relaxed, and happy.

Stan is comforting in a good way. He's comforting in the way you feel when you re-experience nostalgia, or when you look back on good times.

He's comforting in the excitement of ringing the doorbells of the rich peoples houses on halloween when you were younger.

He's comforting in the way when you fall in love, and they like you. He's comforting in every way.

He's perfect. And I love him for that. He makes my shitty life..not so shitty.

This is a shorter chapter! Thank you for reading, as I worked pretty hard for an idea for this one! Sorry I upload fanfic so much!
Word count: 978
Edit time: about 2 hours

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