The search

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Two weeks had passed since Melanie and Padme successfully overcame the deregulation bill. Melanie was still struggling with the passing of Mina but recognised that she was slowly beginning to accept what had passed. She had stopped crying so much and found that while thinking of her past mother figure hurt her, it didn't stop her from carrying on with her daily life.

Padme was helping too, making sure to keep her busy. She must have said something to Anakin because he took her training a couple of times. Melanie was thankful, using Anakin as a punching bag to release her emotions.

However, one day when Melanie awoke, a thought dawned on her. While she had been occupied with making sure the bill did not pass and living her life, she forgot about something very important to her.

Lux Bonteri was still out there. He was only young and he had no one with him anymore. Melanie was the only person close to Lux. He would be grieving and alone.

Thankfully, it seemed as if the stars had aligned. As when Melanie checked her datapad, she saw that Padme had sent her a message. Today they were to travel to the neutral planet of Mandalore to be part of the first-ever meeting between Separatists and the Republic. There was no way of knowing if Lux would be there, but she had a feeling that he would be.

Melanie dressed in a green suit that accentuated her tanned skin and added some gold jewellery. She had started to force herself to wear colours. While she was still repulsed by bright colours, angry at them for being so cheerful when something so tragic had occurred, she realised the paradox she hated to appear so bland without colours.

Melanie meet Padme on the landing platform, ready to board the ship that would take them to Mandalore. Standing next to her was Ahsoka. Melanie felt a spark of joy as she saw the young girl.

"Ahsoka! I haven't seen you in a while!" She pulled her little friend into a side hug as Ahsoka let her know that she had missed her too.

Bail Organa, who had a speedy recovery after his attack weeks ago, and Mon Mothma were also to join them on their trip. Melanie greeted them with a hello as she boarded the ship. She strapped herself in across from Padme and Ahsoka.

Throughout the journey, Ahsoka told Melanie of all the adventures that she had had since they last saw each other as they played a few rounds of Dejarik. The game was rather equal, both the girls winning a round each, but Ahsoka looked like she would win the third. Lucky for Melanie, the ship started to begin its approach to Mandalore.

"Maybe next time," she winked at Ahsoka who grinned back.

The Senators, Melanie and Ahsoka were welcomed by Duchess Satine Kryze. Melanie had never met her before, but she knew Padme and the Duchess got along soundly. They were ushered into a long throne room with 6 chairs facing each other, three of which were occupied. Melanie supposed they were the Separatist representative. Bail, Mothma, and Padme took their seats facing the Separatists. Ahsoka and Melanie stood behind their chairs.

A few niceties went around the room as the Duchess tried her best to defuse the situation. However, both parties seemed uncomfortable.

Finally, they began their conversation.

"The Republic recognises the tragedy of war, but there is nothing we can change that has already occurred," Padme said.

"Say it aloud before this gather, as representative fro chancellor Palpatine that you declare, without reservation, the Separatist state legitimate." A green-skinned Separatist said.

There was an awkward silence in the room that confirmed her thoughts. The Separatist state would not be recognised.

"I have something to say about the legitimacy of the Separatists." A voice piped up from across the room and was quickly met with murmurs.

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