A terrible sickness

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The group had been running for a good minute or so, on the hunt for droids when they heard the sound of approaching destroyer droids and got ready for the upcoming fight.

Ahsoka did most of the work by jumping on top of them and putting her lightsaber through their forcefield. However, JarJar attempted to shoot one. Melanie and Padme knew that it would only go badly so they tackled him to stop him. Unfortunately, Melanie hit her helmet on the ground, causing cracks to appear and one of Padme's air tubes broke. Almost instantly the two began feeling severely ill.

"Your suits have been compromised!" a trooper stated. The two women gave up and pulled off their helmets.

"I'm so sorry..." Ahsoka looked down in shame.

"Don't blame yourself. These things tend to happen in a war zone." Replied Padme. They stood up and continued their droid hunting. 

Melanie had a throbbing headache and her sight was starting to blur. She couldn't believe just how fast the virus had taken hold of her. How had Ahsoka and the troopers been able to carry on as they were? They must have been feeling awful. 

Shaking these thoughts out of her head, Melanie jogged to keep up with the group. They could hear a mechanic noise up ahead so they speed up.

"How's it going up there?" Asked a droid.

"I'm almost through" replied the other. As the group rounded the corner they saw two droids, one sawing the hatch while the other stood at the bottom of the ladder.

"There they are!" Cried Ahsoka as she ran towards them and sliced them using her lightsaber and the force. However, all this exertion caused her to lose balance in her unhealthy state and lean on the ladder.

"Ahsoka!" Melanie cried out, rushing forward to steady her, the action also making her head spin.

"I'm alright." She replied, slightly breathless. "Come on, let's contact my master and tell him we found all the droids."

They made their way towards a communication room. Some of the troopers that were in Ahsokas room when the bomb went off were becoming increasingly weak and needed help to walk. When they arrived Melanie set up the link.

"Master? Can you hear me?" When no answer came she continued anyway. "We destroyed all the battle droids inside the compound, Master. Naboo is safe from further contamination. I repeat, Naboo is safe."

Ahsoka could no longer continue and started coughing madly. Melanie patted her back, realising how cold and sticky her skin felt. Padme turned to the transmission.

"Promise me that no one will ever open this bunker. Goodbye Anakin, I-" Padme was also cut off due to a coughing fit. The communication ended and the three sunk to the ground.

All around them troopers were sitting, coughing madly. Melanie still had a reasonable amount of energy left so she went on a search to find some towels and a water source. Once she found it she returned and began caring for the troopers. Padme and Ahsoka joined her while Jarjar tried his best. He would be the only survivor, given he was still in his safety suit. How ironic. 

Unfortunate one or two troopers had already passed away and Captain Rex covered them with a blanket.

"What a waste." Padme sighed in sadness.

"With all due respect Senator, it's what these men were born to do..." Rex replied.

"I hope that their sacrifice brings us closer to peace."

"It will, Padme." Coughed Ahsoka. She was looking very pale and weak. Melanie turned her attention to her. "You must believe that..."

"Ahsoka!" Melanie called to the young girl as she passed out. She lay her down, resting Ahsokas head on her thigh. She took felt a wave of exhaustion hit her and she closed her eyes.

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