The council's mission

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Another two months had passed. During that time a lot had happened. Padme, Melanie, and a number of other senators had been taken captive by Cad Bane, a notorious bounty hunter. Luckily Anakin was at the Senate visiting Padme at the time and managed to keep everyone safe. Not long after that Anakin, Ahsoka, and a few other Jedi had destroyed a Droid factory on Geonosis. Obiwan had teamed up with Mace Windu to had defended Ryloth with the help of the Twi'lek rebels. 

Padme and Anakin were spending more time together after the incident at the Senate, realising that they could be ripped apart at any moment. Whatever time they could get, they would utilise. Even if it just meant having a rushed meal together in the privacy of Padme home. Melanie would join every now and then but wanted to give the couple as much time together as she could.

Melanie, however, had not seen Obiwan in quite some time. Perhaps even a month? In a way, she was pleased that they had this time apart as it gave her time to try to stop liking him but she also wanted to be around him. She had to get over her little crush. Padme teased her endlessly about it saying that she should make a move, however, Melanie disagreed. Obi-Wan would never break the Jedi rules even if he liked her. The more time away from him meant that she could try and put an end to this teenage crush.

However, this came to an end when she was summoned to the Jedi temple early one morning. She panicked as she climbed the stair up the entrance, thinking she was going to be asked about Padme and Anakin's relationship.

At the top of the steps stood Obiwan, waiting to escort her through the large building and to the council meeting. Melanie noted that he looked as handsome as ever.

"Good morning, Melanie." He welcomed as she climbed the last few steps. He had to admit she looked absolutely ravishing in navy blue button-down suit dress. It was unusual to see those who work for the Republic to wear such short revealing clothing but as Obiwans eyes down the figure-hugging dress to her bare legs, he felt content.


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"Hey. Are you here to take me to the meeting?" Melanie felt a bit awkward under his gaze. She tugged the hem of her dress which had ridden a little higher as she climbed the stairs. Obi-Wan nodded and led the way, trying to keep a straight head. Focus Obiwan, He said to himself, the masters will notice your distraction.

Despite the fact that he thought about seeing her again most days, but now he was in her presence, he had no idea what to say. Melanie felt the exact same way.

"How have you-"

"Where have you-" They both said at the same time. They looked at each other and looked away blushing.

"You go first." Melanie offered.

"I was just asking you how you were." Obiwan scratched the back of his neck, begging the slight tint in his checks to disappear.

"Yeah, pretty good. The Senate has been a little crazy, we're passing lots of new laws at the moment. I feel like I can't keep up some times. And what about you, where have you been these days?" Melanie asked, taking in how adorable he looked with a slight blush before telling herself off.

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