Harry Is Siriusly Close To Seventeen

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A/N Thank you HinnyLoverTillTheEnd for the idea. In this one-shot, Voldemort died in the Chamber of Secrets, and Sirius's name was cleared. The first place at the beginning is Grimmauld Place.  This is Harry's sixteenth birthday.

  This is Harry's sixteenth birthday

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    ~Harry's POV~ 

Today's my birthday, but I don't see anyone, I wonder if they forgot. Aah! Am I going to get kidnapped on my birthday? They put a blindfold on me I hear the voice of my captors, oh wait, it's the voices of my godfather, Sirius, and my girlfriend, Ginny.

I hear Sirius Apparating and Ginny takes the blindfold off and we're at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. It's empty, but Florean has a lot of Ice Cream out. Ginny yells, "Harry did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire! Oh, oops I read the name wrong, Cedric Diggory is the Hogwarts champion."

Fred and George, Hermione, Ron, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Weasley jump out and yell, "Suprise!" "Happy Birthday Harry!"

Hagrid walks in with his pink umbrella, he's starting at Hogwarts next year. His name was cleared after my second year. He's holding a cake, just like he made for me on my eleventh birthday, and he says, "Happy birthday, Harry!"

We all eat ice cream and the cake that Hagrid and, and I figure out that it was Ginny and Sirius's idea to kidnap me. Later, I open presents, and Fred and George give me a Weasley Wizard Wheezes premium joke box, Ron gives me a Quidditch tactics book, Hermione gives me a Muggle book series called Percy Jackson. Mr. Weasley gives me a television that has all of the necessary charms on it, so it can work in the Wizarding World, and Mrs. Weasley gave me a cookbook, I just got into cooking. And Sirius gives me two rings that he told me he would explain later.


10 minutes later...

Sirius explained that the rings were for Ginny and me, and they glowed and felt warm when one of us was thinking of the other if tapped once, we could record a message, and if tapped twice, we can teleport with consent from the other to each other, and then if tapped thrice, you can teleport somewhere with consent from both of us.

This is awesome! I need to tell Ginny!

I run over to the table and tell Ginny about the rings. We say goodbye to everyone, and then we both think of Number 12 Grimmauld Place and teleport, and then Sirius Apparates. This is one of my best birthdays, and as Sirius said in his note to me, I'm siriusly close to seventeen.

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