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It was only a 2 hour drive to the house Tori had arranged with Rebekah, yet the witch had a strange feeling. She felt cold and had the feeling that it had something to do with her husband.
Not a minute later, the phone rang again and Rebekah confirmed Tori's suspicions.
"I thought he was on his way here with you, Tori. And since when does my brother kill so many people? No he was more like slaughtering them."
Tori's hands tightened around the steering wheel and she didn't know what to do. "Bekah he was so angry before I left, I thought he was staying with Nik. What did you do to him?" she whispered, distraught, trying to stifle a sob.

"I broke his neck. Nik already knows, he wants to meet us at the old house we lived in before we went to New Orleans back then."
"Okay, I'm on my way," Tori replied more abruptly than she wanted and ended the call.

She no longer understood anything. As if Esther wasn't already worried enough, she now had to worry about Elijah, not to mention her daughter.
And the little one was getting stronger by the day, because ever since Tori had left New Orleans, she had been gyrating in her belly. When the witch grabbed her stomach, she made an emergency stop. Her belly - she could see it. "No no!" she screamed desperately and unbuckled her seatbelt.
It was already late evening and dawn, but Tori didn't care as she stopped in the middle of the road. She climbed out of the BMW and tried to catch her breath. Margary was dead. The cloaking spell could only disappear if the witch who had cast it was dead.

Tears ran down her cheeks and the pain the witch felt took away her breath.
She blanked out everything around her and cried out. Margary had been the witch who had bound Tori's magic to herself. Now that she was dead, Tori had only a few hours before her magic disappeared completely.
She didn't know how it might affect her and the baby, so there wasn't much time left.
Wiping away her tears quickly, she got back into the car. The whole rest of the journey she had clutched the steering wheel and cried silently to herself.

Tori didn't know how much time had passed since she drove on, but as she headed down the road to the house, she exhaled in relief.
The tears she had shed had already dried, but her eyes were still swollen. She parked the car right in front of the house and got out. Rebekah was standing on the veranda, worriedly waiting for her sister-in-law.

"He's awake again. Tori what happened?"
The witch didn't understand what Rebekah was getting at until she climbed the stairs and stood right in front of the blonde.
She looked down at her arms and saw the dried blood on her jacket. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." she murmured and walked past Rebekah, into the house.

The first thing Tori went to in the house was the bar. One of the good things about being supernatural was that you could drink alcohol without harming the baby. Without paying attention to Elijah watching her closely, she grabbed a bottle of rum and took a generous sip from the bottle.
The alcohol burned on her tongue and she enjoyed that kind of pain.

She could not decide which topic she should deal with first. Either that she would no longer have magic in an uncertain time, or her husband who was not himself at the moment. But since Elijah didn't dare to say a word and only stared at Tori, she decided for the former.

But she didn't even have time to prepare, she could already feel the first drops of blood coming from her nose. "Damn it," she cursed and slammed the bottle of rum down on the table a little too hard. Her veins under her eyes stood out and her eyes turned black.
She had no more control over her body and stumbled backwards, against Rebekah.
"Tori it's okay, you're not alone," Rebekah whispered, holding her close. Tori had told her everything that could happen when it did and Rebekah knew what to do

Gently, he laid her down on grass and knelt down to rest her head on his thighs. "Darling I am here."
Tori heard him but was unable to answer, her body trembling and blood coming from her eyes.
Rebekah knelt at Tori's feet, holding her tightly.
"It won't be long now, Elijah."
But the vampire was no longer aware of his sister. All he could hear was his wife's heartbeat growing weaker and weaker, and his unborn daughter's heartbeat growing stronger by the second. 

Then for a second there was no more heartbeat. Elijah stroked Tori's head soothingly and closed his eyes. She had to wake up, that was all that mattered to him at that moment.
Then very quietly - a heartbeat was heard.
It was not Tori's, and the two vampires knew that all the magic was now gone.
"It may take some time for her to wake up brother."
The vampire was unable to speak, too many things tormented him when he held his wife so lifelessly in his hands. Without paying further attention to Rebekah, he lifted her up and took her to the bedroom.
When Nik and Hayley reached the rest of the family the next morning, Elijah didn't dare leave the room. He couldn't bring himself to leave Tori alone, the fear that she would wake up alone was too strong. He had washed her and dressed her in fresh clothes, and since then he had sat beside the bed and concentrated on his daughter's heartbeat.

"She'll wake up brother," it was Nik who had entered the room and put a hand on his older brother's shoulder.
The hybrid was worried and wanted his brother to reveal what was wrong with him.
"Yes she will," Elijah replied without emotion and reached for Tori's cold hand.
"I know you are eager for an answer, Niklaus. But I don't know what happened at the dinner. It is a gift from our mother that I briefly lose my mind and every dark fibre in me comes out. She makes me see things I've done and things I haven't. Whenever I close my eyes I see Tori lying bloodstained and lifeless in front of me, and I'm the one who has her blood on my hands."

"We will find a way to break this curse," Niklaus shared confidently, leaving his brother alone again.
Elijah stared at the baby bump and could no longer contain himself. He began to cry and held Tori's hand as if his life depended on it.
"I'm a monster," the vampire whispered in a broken voice, unaware that Tori had opened her eyes.
She had heard what Elijah had told Nik and she wanted to tell him so much, but she was still weak.
"Baby, come here," was all she could bring herself to say and she pulled lightly on his hand to make him lie down with her.

And for the first time after all these years, Elijah was the one who broke down and let his strong mask fall.

Blood. Tears. Desire. - Elijah Mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن