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....our souls may be consumed by shadows, but that doesn't mean we have to behave as monsters.

When Tori woke up, she immediately knew this was not the place to be.
Her lungs burned and she had the taste of blood and earth on her lips. Startled, she looked around and got up.

There was nothing to be seen for miles except forest. But this forest was more than familiar to the witch. In her childhood, her mother had always taken her into the forest and tortured her. Whereby her mother had dismissed it as a lesson.
Tori looked around, but far and wide there was no one to be seen. Quietly, however, she heard someone call her name. It was Elijah who called her name in panic. Nervously, the witch swallowed and began to run. There was a reason why she was here and she was not ready to deal with it now.

"Do you really think you could run away from me Victoria? You are in my world and you can't do anything about it.," someone suddenly shouted and the witch stopped abruptly. The voice alone managed to panic her and she turned around angrily. She wasn't panicking out of fear, she was panicking because of all the anger she had inside her that she felt towards her mother.
Tori looked her mother icily in the eyes. Memories came up, but even after all these years she immediately repressed the cruel things.
"What do you want from me mother?" she hissed, stepping closer to the woman in front of her. The old witch snorted and glared at her daughter. "Did you really think you could avoid your fate? It was never your destiny to become immortal. The magic you carry within you brings you ever closer to your death. The curse will soon haunt you and it will take everything from you. Just as you have taken everything from me."

"You've been dead for so many years and you think you can still scare me?" hissed Tori back. 
The witch had never liked it when someone contradicted her and her posture told that she would not hesitate long to unleash the next curse.
"And you still think Elijah can protect you from everyone and everything. But even he can't save you. He will hate you if you bear his child.Everything you touch turns to ashes, and exactly the same will happen when this child is born. The ancestral witches have long known that 2 children will be born from the original bloodline of the original vampires, and when these 2 children are born, a war will break out and every single vampire will be wiped out." 
Tori did not believe a word her mother said, but before she could say anything, her mother disappeared and the witch felt herself being pulled back into life.


hen Tori woke up, she jumped up and  felt the blood running from her eyes. "Darling, are you okay?" asked Elijah, who immediately pulled her to him and anxiously scanned her face.
He had rarely been so afraid for her. "Victoria talk to me," he whispered sternly, but he got no answer. She just stared at him, frightened, as if she had seen a ghost.
Tori stared into Elijah's eyes and saw how worried he had been. How was she supposed to tell him about it? Besides, she didn't know if it was even true. Her mother had always liked to torture her.

But she did not manage to lie to him either. So she grabbed his hands that were still on her cheeks and showed him what she had just experienced.
Elijah felt fear, but it was not his own. It was Tori's, she was afraid that he would push her away or not love her anymore.
When the vision was over, he opened his eyes and saw the tears his wife was shedding. "You have to kill me."
One sentence. That everyone in the estate heard. It didn't take a blink of an eye until Klaus was standing next to the two. "No one is going to kill anyone here dear."

Tori was hurt and angry. Why didn't the two of them understand that it was best this way? The witch took a step back from the two and ran a hand through her hair. "It has to be. It's the only way. Otherwise, everyone will die, and all because of me."

Klaus looked at his best friend in pain. But then he heard something that triggered him. His protective instinct. The hybrid put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Brother. Listen."

Elijah stared at him in wonder for a moment and then looked at his wife. He concentrated and then he heard it. Quietly, barely audible, but it was there. A heartbeat. Tori was too upset to understand what the two were getting at. Elijah approached his witch, put a hand on her belly and looked into her eyes. "Darling listen."

Blood. Tears. Desire. - Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now