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The rain pattered against the antique windows and it was silent in the entire house.
Victoria stared lost out of the window, down at the streets of London where people rushed around frantically, doing their daily routines. Sometimes she was jealous of humans for doing the simplest things.

Although she had only been back in England for two days, she missed Elijah as much as if they had been separated for several decades.
However, time had a very different role to play when you were a supernatural being.

Tired, the witch closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the street. Her thoughts wandered to Elijah and their discussion when she had told him that she had to go to London. Even though he had understood that she needed clarity about some things, it had not exactly reassured him to let his wife go alone. He had begged her not to go without him, but there was only one person who could help her now, and he could not leave Klaus alone.

Even though they were miles apart, Tori could easily feel his emotions when he was thinking about her. The last time Tori had visited the ancient witch was shortly before she and Elijah had found each other again.

Margary Balfour was one of the oldest witches in Europe and she had also known Tori's grandmother.
"Victoria my child, you know I am always happy to see you," the grey-haired witch said, entering the room and, thoughtful as she was, giving Tori a cup of tea.

As Margary sat down in her chair in front of the fireplace, she didn't take her eyes off the woman in front of her for a second.
She had rarely seen Victoria so confused. 
The way she clung to the cup of tea betrayed her restlessness.
"Margary, you have to tell me what you know."

The witch had hoped it would have been a few more years until that time, but the ancestors decided the fate of the witches.
"Victoria, the Montgomery bloodline has always been one of the most powerful and oldest. The curse cast on you by your mother disturbed the balance of your bloodline. Therefore, the balance of all witches, and also your power.
And you know that it is a monstrous act to go against his own blood. There are 10 bloodlines of witches that can never be extinct, as these bloodlines form the complete witch unit and have done so since the beginning of our time.Your grandmother already knew then that the bloodline would be sealed with you. But in your particular case, if you pass on your power, the lineage is sealed, but it is followed by something more powerful.

Margary watched Tori as she spoke and noticed how she unconsciously played with her wedding ring.
"Your mother mentioned Elijah, didn't she?"
The witch hesitated for a moment, but then she answered, "Yes, she said something like he couldn't love me if this child came into the world, and that I would lose everything. Margary look, as long as Elijah is safe, and the baby, I'm willing to pay any price."

"It is no coincidence that two children were created at exactly the same time which normally could not have happened at all. Everything in our world has a reason and some things are only understood by a few.
Your mother never understood this kind of power, you must not give credence to her words."
Tori trusted Margary, but she also knew that her baby would not bring entirely blessings. The Mikaelsons had many enemies, and most of them were out for blood. But she had hope that her baby could bring Elijah his peace.

While in New Orleans the witches were about to sacrifice Hayley's baby, Tori had no idea what her family was going through.
When she returned from her short stay in London and learned what had happened in that short time, her world collapsed.
She clung to Elijah's hand and stared tear-stained at her brother-in-law and Hayley, who held little Hope in her arms.

"So it's decided," Klaus spoke, staring at Tori.
"I won't leave you alone," the witch replied immediately, looking hopefully at Hope.
"I will not allow my daughter and niece to be in danger. If the witches and especially our mother find out about you, they will hunt you down and kill you before she is even born. Tori, you must leave with her."
Elijah ached at the thought of letting his wife go for an undetermined amount of time, but the danger was just too much for all of them.

"I'm leaving in an hour," Klaus whispered and left Elijah's room with Hayley.
Tori couldn't stop crying and pressed herself against Elijah.
The vampire wrapped his arms tightly around her petite figure and kissed her gently on the forehead.
"I can't describe how much pain it causes me to send you away. But it must be done, my darling."
Tori concentrated only on Elijah. She breathed in his familiar perfume and wished she could wake up from this nightmare. She began to tremble and Elijah let go of her to take her face in his hands.
The witch did not dare look at him.
"Victoria Mikaelson look at me," his voice was so soft that she couldn't help but look up.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me in my whole long life. Since I first saw you, I have sworn to do everything in my power to protect you. You are carrying our child, and I will do everything to give her the best life. Even if the price is high and we both have to suffer. I love you more than anything in this world and we will get through anything."
Elijah looked into her eyes and at that moment he fought back the tears himself.
Tori wanted to reply, but the vampire couldn't help it and pressed his lips greedily to hers.
She immediately returned the kiss and wrapped her hands around his neck. The passion between them was intense and they both tried to put all their feelings into this one kiss.
Even though it wasn't the first goodbye the two of them had gone through, it still felt a bit like dying every time.

Blood. Tears. Desire. - Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now