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When you are immortal, time doesn't matter.
But time is something that can still be taken away from you. And not even as a vampire can you do anything about it.

The last few months had not exactly been easy. Especially not for the Mikaelson family.
Although Elijah and Victoria had finally married, and she was now officially in the family book, there was still a big shadow over the couple. Tori's magic had become a problem since the last incident, and the family knew it wouldn't be long before all her magic disappeared. Even though she was a vampire, the family was still unsure how much it could affect her, or perhaps kill her.

But Tori did not let herself be distracted by this, she ignored the topic and rather racked her brains over other things. After all, her best friend had just lost her uncle and Hayley would soon give birth to her niece. Just the thought of the new addition to the family gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Tori had grown fond of Hayley and was happy to welcome her niece, but every day she saw Elijah staring at the baby bump with a pained expression. Only briefly, but it was enough to be noticed by Tori and Klaus. Even if he didn't admit it, everyone in the family knew how much he had always wanted a child. That's probably why he was holding back a lot at the moment. He didn't seem to be sleeping at the moment either, because every time Tori woke up, she was alone in bed.

 He didn't seem to be sleeping at the moment either, because every time Tori woke up, she was alone in bed

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Tori was just sitting at a table at Rousseaus with Elijah and Nik to honour Cami's uncle. Although the vampires were not pleased, from the traditions of the humans, they still showed their respect for Cami. When Hayley joined them, Klaus became a little sentimentally aggressive and began chatting away. "Right now, I am gonna finish this bottle. And the next in the hopes of drowning the demon that has chosen today to haunt me. Cheers, Mikael. Impeccable Freudian timing."

Just as Tori realised what he had just said, he immediately straightened up. "Elaborate. Have you dreamt about our father?", Elijah asked his brother. 
The way Elijah asked the question, Tori knew he must have been dreaming about him too. She put her hand on his thigh to signal that she was here with him, and the vampire gratefully put his hand on hers.

While the two brothers talked about their dreams, Tori stared in the direction of the door where Genevieve had just strolled in, casting a seductive glance in the Mikaelsons' direction.
Hayley noticed Tori's stare and the two women knew immediately who was behind it. As Tori's grip on Elijah's thigh tightened, the vampire looked first at his wife and then in the direction her gaze led. Klaus grinned devilishly when he noticed the witch and took a big sip of his scotch. "The perfect way to end a peaceful day."

After the brothers decided to pay the witch a visit, Tori returned home.
Her mind was all over the place and she wondered why Elijah had not told her about his dreams. With a glass of wine, she stood on the balcony and looked down at the streets. The wind was blowing lightly and she closed her eyes for a brief moment. She didn't have to open her eyes to know that Elijah was standing behind her.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dreams?" The vampire knew that these questions would come, but he wanted to keep his wife away from all the bad. "Because he was the reason I left you back then," he replied, stepping right behind her to wrap his arms around her. Tori leaned against him and opened her eyes. "That's not a reason. You can't protect me from everything." the witch whispered, placing a hand on Elijah's. She wanted to enjoy the moment, his closeness was something she could never have enough of. "I'll try anyway."

However, the couple was interrupted by loud footsteps and Tori turned around with Elijah now only holding her hand.
Niklaus entered the room grinning and behind him was the red-haired witch, where Tori had actually assumed she was already dead. Annoyed, she rolled her eyes and took another sip from her glass.

Elijah grinned when he saw his wife and stroked her fingers with his thumbs.
She paid no attention to the witch and pretended to look at the painting on the wall while Genevieve explained why the two vampires were dreaming of Mikael. But the news still filtered through to the witch and she had a hunch.
When Genevieve had finally left and Tori had just realised what was happening, she dropped the wine glass in shock and it shattered on the floor.
"Darling, what's wrong?" said Elijah, standing in front of her and putting his hands to her cheeks. But Tori could not utter a word. She didn't want to say it out loud, for it might be true, and she couldn't cope with that.
As if Nik had read her thoughts, he knew exactly what was going on in the woman who was like his sister. "You dream of your mother, don't you?"
Only when Klaus had said what Tori could not, did Elijah know that his lover was in more danger than she knew.

The next day, the funeral took place and Tori was by Cami's side the whole time.
However, while everyone was walking through the streets of New Orleans, something happened in the meantime that no one noticed at first.
Tori apologised briefly to Cami, and stepped out onto the side of the street. Something was wrong. She had a strong scratchy throat and felt sick. "Tori," suddenly whispered Hayley, who had come from the side. Hayley was pale and coughing like the witch. "Something is happening to us," Tori whispered, trying to catch her breath. "But what?", Halyey asked the witch, holding onto her shoulder. But the witch could not answer. The two women's coughing got worse and both began to spit up blood. Panic overcame Tori and she looked around for Elijah, but did not find him among all the people.

Halyey lost consciousness and slid to the ground. Tori just managed to catch her, but was staggering and weak herself. When she was pulled upwards by strong hands, the witch lost consciousness and plunged into a world that no one could leave without consequences.

Blood. Tears. Desire. - Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now