The Pamphlet

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I read the pamphlet with tears in my eyes. The idiot! How could he do this to Eliza? To his family?

"Laf?" I called out to my husband.
"Oui mon cheri?" (Yes dear?)
"I need to go visit my sister for a bit. Can you come to America with me?"
"Bien sûr (of course)"

We booked tickets for a boat to America.

A few weeks later we arrived at the docks. Lafayette took our bags to Montechello, where we would be staying, as he was good friends with Mr. Jefferson. I got into a carriage, making my way to the Hamilton residence.

I knocked on the door and a teary eyed Angelica answered, holding baby William in her arms.

"Aunt Y/N, it's so great to see you"
"Hello sweetheart. How are you?"
"Not very good, but I'm staying strong for my siblings."
"That's very mature of you."
"Thank you. Would you like something to drink?"
"No thank you, but go get something for yourself. I'll watch William. "

She nodded and handed me William before walking off to the kitchen.

I was cooing at my baby nephew in my arms when John came running towards me, hugging my legs.

"Auntie Y/N!"
"Hello John. How are you?"
"Is it my fault? Did I do something that made him upset, that made him want to do something?"

I felt a pang of sadness at theses words.
"Of course not! It's not your fault in any way. Why would you think that?"
"I don't know. I just feel like I did something wrong."
"Well you didn't okay? Now why don't you get to sleep?"
"Okay. Goodnight aunt Y/N."
"Goodnight sweetie."

I walked to the living room and was greeted by James.

"Hello James. How are you holding up?"
"Not very well." He chuckled darkly. "I can't really seem to feel anything since it was published. I think I've gotten so upset I can't feel any other emotion. But Alex is worse. He hardly stops crying. He's always looked up to Papa. But now he's ashamed that he's named after him. He doesn't want to end up just like him."
"Where is he?"

He pointed to the couch, where Alex was sitting, holding his knees to his chest. His cheeks were tear-stained, and his eyes were red and puffy. His hair was a mess. He had dark shadows under his eyes, and he was crying.

"Let me go talk to him. Go take Willam to bed, okay?"

I handed William to him and he went upstairs to put his brother to bed. I walked over to the couch and sat next to the distressed 11 year old.

"Alex? Are you okay?"
"Come here."

I opened my arms and he threw himself into them, sobbing as I cradled him in my arms.

"Why did he do it?" He sobbed, "I thought he loved us."
"Shh, it's ok, I'm here." I told him, holding him close.

After a while he stopped crying.

"You've had a long day, I think you should go sleep."
"Yeah, that's a good idea."

We stood up and went upstairs. He went to his room and I followed, tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight Aunt Y/N." He whispered.
"Goodnight Alex." I replied, kissing his forehead.

I left the room and shut the door behind me. Then I went to James' room and told him to go to sleep as well. Once all the children were asleep, I made my way to Alexander's office.

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