George Eacker

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Phillip's POV
I saw Martha and her friend talking. I wonder if they'll know where he is?

"Hello Martha." I greeted.
"Hi Phillip." She waved.
"Have either of you seen George Eacker?"

They looked at one another.
Martha nodded.

"I saw him just up Broadway a couple of blocks, he was goin' to see a play."
"Thank you."

I made my way to the theater. I saw him sitting with a friend of his.


He shushed me.

"George!" I said a bit louder this time.
"I'm tryin' To watch the show."
"You should've watched your mouth before you talked about my father though."

He smirked.

"I didn't say a word that isn't true. Your father's a scoundrel and so it seems are you."

Is like that? Alright then.

"I'll see you on the dueling ground. That is unless you wanna step outside and go now?"

He waved me away with his hand.

"I know where to find you, piss off I'm watching the show now."

I stormed off to my house. I need to speak with my father.

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